That makes sense - thanks for all you work - looks like your designs are in the lead to win right now - see comments about playing with some other colors!
Hi, this new idea with family standing in island Can i ask you somethink about the word "The Maryland Association of Youth Services Bureaus, Inc" like you can see that word is look small :) do you want it more stand out? maybe we can make it 2 line ? if you agree to try can you tell me how can i separate that word? maybe like The Maryland Association above this word of Youth Services Bureaus, Inc? or your thought? sorry my english is not to good :(
ALSO - we would like to see the multi-color content in #18 in #7, #11 and #19. Putting a multi-cultural/color scheme into the circle of people holding hands I think will give it a more inclusive look, one that refelcts the whole community.
Can you redo some of the higher ranked logos (like #2) that you have created and this time drop the word "The" from the beginning AND drop the "Inc." at the end so it just reads - Maryland Association of Youth Services Bureaus
Thank you very much - if it's not too much to ask - can you make the same changes to #1, #7, #19, #27 and #31 as they have also been very highly ranked by our membership - very much appreciate these updates
Quick Question about making a modification and I am so sorry about this - right now you have 8 of the top 10 and are more than likely to be selected the winner.
I have just now been informed that the name is MARYLAND ASSOCIATION OF YOUTH SERVICE BUREAUS and not Maryland Association of Youth Services Bureaus - in other words, you have to drop the "s" from the end of the word "Services".
AND - I WOULD NOT DO IT FOR ALL YOUR DESIGNS - you can wait I think until we select the winner - let you know which one to modify - does that work??
I am hoping that this is not that big an issue - thank you for your time!
OK - the group has decided to select entry #59 as the winner ONCE we get a few minor changes - thanks.
1) The first change is to make the name be MARYLAND ASSOCIATION OF YOUTH SERVICE BUREAUS and not Maryland Association of Youth Services Bureaus - in other words, you have to drop the "s" from the end of the word "Services". You do NOT have to change the font or capitalize all the words - just drop the "s"
2) We were wondering if you can also do a revision where the name of the organization was NOT white letters in a black box BUT just black letters much like #45
Once these changes are posted - we can see if that works - thanks - hoping to wrap this up soon