We think you may be on to something with #40. (#39 is too vampire-esque, and #41 looks like a sportscar emblem).
#40 still feels a little too "medieval" somehow -- maybe it's a little to "dark" or "goth"?
We need to find a way to tie it all together, or maybe ditch the "coffee stain" idea and start over. At the very least, we should consider a contemporary sans-serif font with it.
There's definitely something intriguing to us in your initial designs, though. We'd be really interested to see what you come up with using a san-serif word-mark type logo instead.
#76, #77, #78 are a bit too simple for us. Additionally, the highlighting on the circle makes it look like an eclipse, which isn't quite what we're going for.
We'd still like to see you expand on #40. The biggest problem with it is that "Luxious Design" is tiny compared to the image--it's completely overshadowed be the huge graphic. We also would love to see a different font.
The LD also just kind of "hangs out" in the middle of the circle. Is there a way to tie that in to the whole logo more somehow?