We really like the clean & sharp feel of this logo. The font is great, as is the spacing & layout. The design elements are quite well done, as it feels very polished and professional.
However, we're not too keen on the "beams of light" idea, as it is overdone and a bit cliche. (If we HAD to have beams of light, however, we would like this implementation. We like how you've taken something somewhat "standard" and turned it into an elegant display that says something unique about the high-quality of our work... but we just can't do the "beams of light" idea.)
The whole thing is also a little too feminine. The icon looks somewhat like a flower, and the light blue is too soft. We don't need a masculine logo, necessarily, but we don't want a feminine one, either.
Hope that helps--we'd love to see more ideas from you!
We love the sense of balance and proportion that you've found on these new ones.
The blue hand (#29), however, is problematic--it connotes the show "Blue Man Group," so we'd need to avoid that. Not sure we love the idea of the hand in general. It's too much of a stretch or too literal?
Regarding number #37 - there's a lot in here that we like. Definitely happy with the font. We also like the blue "flame," but it needs a bit of tweaking. At first glance, it looks like it's wearing a seat belt... only after staring for a minute did we realize that it was an "L" cut out of it. We really like the color and the subtle gradient.
How about a slightly different brush stroke, that has a movement from left-to-right (or right-to-left), rather than bottom-to-top?
Also, would it be possible to somehow subtly "embed" an "L" and a "D" into the brush stroke? Rather than cutting out the letters, can the letters be hidden inside the negative space of the resulting brush stroke? Not sure if that'll work, but maybe it's worth a try?