Some thoughts. Can you remove the smaller socer ball? Also, can you attempt another design with the state of Maryland flag filling up the entire center of the design (where the soccer field is)...and have a soccer ball coming out of the middle, like you do now?
Do you have other possible designs that are very different than this? A circular design is not required...and we'd love to see other unique ideas. Thank you.
can you look at the US Youth Soccer website: and begint o submit designs that are more similar to the US Youth Soccer logo and less of a crest/patch? Something that has our name, with a uniques design twist? Thanks!
#21 - Cool. Can you put the two words: Lutherville-Timonium above the ball on an arc...will this allow you to make the words a bit larger?
#20 - NICE! Can you stack the words "Lutherville" "Timonium" on top of one another so that you can make the words larger? And can you make the word "Soccer" smaller? This is a great design and incorporates everything we are looking for.
#20 - just had another idea....can you stack the words "Lutherville" and Timonium" on top of one another and then move the word "Soccer underneath the map of Maryland and next to "Club"...make the swooshing ball be the "O" in Timonium above the Map (instead of the "O" in soccer. Does this make sense?
I'm trying to make the words Lutherville Timonium more prevalent...and the soccer club a bit smaller.