I like the colors, I like what you've presented. I'd love to see a few more concepts with similar colors, but perhaps the symbols can represent security, trust. I don't think of insurance as energy, like you suggested, but more about security and trust.
here is something a bit more traditional. Notice the L and the white dot can signify the dotted i for insurance. this is a secure logo that screams trust...afterall, i used your letters of your company to put this together.
The executive team really likes some of your designs and wondered if you could do the following...
After talking more about logo’s we have a couple of other thoughts, we like the coloring and look of #12 with Lundstrom Insurance horizontal but instead of the logo/icon currently used, could we use the logo on #23?
I hope we are not providing too sporadic feedback, but the more we look at these, the more certain ones tend to stick out to us.
i deleted some by mistake...i will put them back up...i don't quite remember the exact design you are referring to..so please explain to me according to the design i put back up..thank you.
Still missing one that's like #56, but Lundstrom Insurance is on one line. You uploaded the other one. Once you have them both online, I'll give you the feedback again referring to the correct numbers. Thanks!
Based on the logos you re-uploaded, the exec team liked the coloring and look of #58 with Lundstrom Insurance horizontal but instead of the logo currently used, could we use the logo on #55? ... which looks like what you did for #63. Good job. I'm going to run these by the exec team on Monday. If you want to through any more up there before then, feel free. I think we have a good direction.
here is a design inspired by your description of your services as being "personal insurance" Notice i've incorporated the L and the i...this can be repositioned as well if you like the concept. This design also expresses Trust