I added a white border around the entire design, so it will work on virtually any color now! Whereas the old design would get lost on shades of green without this white border: #7, #8
This is still my favorite, but I wonder how it would look embroidered? Would you also be able to send me a "flat" version at the end that would look better for that purpose. Take out the shading and the depth?
Yep. It would be no problem to have a flat one for embroidery. I will post that version for you as soon as I get back to my design computer tonight. Talk with you then!
Here is what you would be looking at in all flat colors: #31
And we could even thicken some of the lines and simplify certain areas if it wouldn't embroider well. But, in general, you would have this type of look.
Yep. No problem at all on getting you one of just the turtle. I will provide proper file types of all them that you need (full version, flat version, turtle solo, etc.).