Hello everyone, I want to first say thank you all for your hard work. You have submitted some amazing designs. After consulting with the company owners they provided these guidelines:
Must Have:
Yes on Whitetail deer, big chest bucks (150lb+ mature, sagging belly, sagging back). This deer should be the primary focus of the logo.
The words, Lumpkin Patch Reserve: "Lumpkin Patch" needs to stay together in context, "Reserve" can be a subtitle.
Yes on the feeder / food plot (see photo samples: make a "box/rectangular shaped/style" feeder)
Whitetail deer samples*:
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/z6d0r4mestukpz3em57f9/h?rlkey=zau6k6tlheph7zspbuhkr99k9&dl=0(*use as a reference only. I do not own the copyrights to these photos, any drawings should be significantly different.)
Feeder / Food plot samples:
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/x7pkta2arny5dapk3yz6v/h?rlkey=wjq63o7zirdvdiw2waw9wu6by&dl=0Optional and Not Necessary (should be used as accents):
Georgia Long leaf pine trees
Wild Turkeys
If adding Georgia can be a small subtitle
Logo framing style, avoid using: a round bullet style logo, or a diamond style logo.
No weapons, guns or arrows, etc.
No Elk (Elk and Deer are not the same animal)
No flying birds (buzzards)
No mountains
Please update any of your work to adhere to these guidelines. We look forward to moving on to the next phase in a few days. Thank you again.