Lumivision LightingLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Lumivision Lighting Lumivision Lighting has selected their winning logo design. For $350 they received 233 designs from 51 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client lumivision United States What We Do Manufacturer of LED light fixtures for the interior of commercial buildings. Industry Manufacturing & Wholesale Color Preferences Orange, yellow, green, blue. Can use any single or combination of the listed colors. Themes MasculineModernRefined Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st Glorious Kids Withdrawn 2nd wolv 3rd zie 4th SpeedLogo 5th Glorious Kids 6th CJ Withdrawn 7th catalin Withdrawn 8th gemilang 9th marcn 10th asm Withdrawn New Glorious Kids New asm New NZR New CJ Withdrawn New SPARKcreative Withdrawn New SpeedLogo New sgautam Withdrawn New Glorious Kids New UrangBanua New UrangBanua Withdrawn New de.sign New aremmai Withdrawn New SPARKcreative Withdrawn New GraySource New ego Withdrawn New SPARKcreative New UrangBanua New UrangBanua New UrangBanua Withdrawn New marcn Withdrawn New marcn Withdrawn New elidruz Withdrawn New GraySource Withdrawn New GraySource Withdrawn New grafixsphere Withdrawn New Lindsey Withdrawn New gemilang Withdrawn New marcn Withdrawn New Glorious Kids Withdrawn New gemilang Prefers others. gheist Prefers others. weddingc Prefers others. weddingc Prefers others. DesignLab Prefers others. logo pogo Prefers others. logo pogo Prefers others. logo pogo Prefers others. logo pogo Prefers others. bevz Prefers others. DesignLab Prefers others. DesignLab Prefers others. DesignLab Prefers others. ego Prefers others. Bring It Design Prefers others. Bring It Design Prefers others. gh0stking Withdrawn Prefers others. acegraphics Withdrawn Prefers others. acegraphics Withdrawn Prefers others. acegraphics Withdrawn Prefers others. acegraphics 1 2 3 4 1 ... 4 Next > Discussion lumivision Client Update: Great job to all designers! To provide more details, the word "Lighting" does not need to be as prominent as the word "Lumivision" and the "V" in Lumivision can be upper or lower case.Thanks to all! 15 years ago lumivision Client The contest has been extended to see if I can get a few different ideas. There have been a lot of entries that are keying in on the "L" idea. I am looking for something different.1. I have decided that I am not interested in a black background. Please use white.2. I am interested in seeing some designs that have an element of "Green" involved. We are a very energy conservative product, that is safe for the environment.Thank you for all of the great ideas! Good luck to everyone. 15 years ago lumivision Client Is there anyone out there with an environmental themed logo. Still not seeing very many logos that say we are safe for the planet. 15 years ago CDesign Logo Designer Dear CH,pls find the original logo design from 15 years ago CDesign Logo Designer Or 15 years ago