Hello Ivan Thanks for your comments. I uploaded more versions of the same logo so you can see how we can use the original versions in different backgrounds using the same palette colour. We used the same term in my country to say somebody is very intelligent, so I am going to play more with that idea. Thanks Regards Luckymac
great. We like entry 19 because it's simple and clean, but would like to see different colors (bright ones preferably) and that contrast with each other. We also like the layout on entry #26
I like the composition on entry #88 and on entry #79 (like the way it looks like an iOS app). Also like the colors son entry #88. Maybe a lighter tone of blue?
Hello Luckymac we are very happy with logo #19 do you think we could see the same one with different variations inside the dude's head? For example a miner's lantern or something else?
We are going for the first of your entries, entry #19 but would like to see some variations in the shape of the inside of the dude's head. We are thinking of something that represents the following:
Flight (wings or something like it) expansion (something like arrows that stretch something, maybe the motion you do in an iPhone to zoom in or the icon for "more options" in an app) Plus (straight forward, a plus sign like the one you have after "lumbrera labs") Multiply (exponencialy something like e=mc2, squared) Augment ( something that represents augmentation. as in augmente humanity, augmented intelligence, etc)