Is there anyway you can make this one more horizontal? I love the logo but I need to go on a sign that is about 8ft tall and 28ft wide. I would also like to see it with the furniture, decor, and clothing added. Thanks.
Can you take #23 and stretch it out a little wider? Or will that mess it up? Also, can you take #71 and move the dog next to the girl and put the words to the right of the dog? I think maybe the lease is to long? Thank you so much!
i love #73 can we change the font on the bottom words so they are a little easier to read but still fun looking and maybe make the and in the name yellow? Thank you!
Can you put the logo sign on the shopping bag in #23 and make one with Tully being the same color as Lulu? So that would be 2 new ones. Can you also change the and to yellow in #73? And do another one with a different font something fancy but a little easier to read than the one you did last time? Thank you so much! Rabun
#84 - the symbol is an "L" and "T" in capital as you can see in your business name. Do not warry if you "now" can not read if you try to enlarge since the .jpg actually is really little. The surce file is .ai (adobe illustrator) so you can enlarge it without losing definition.
br luca sparkcreative
p.s.: if you have any other recquest, feel free to ask
I have decided on logo 84 but I also need the shape of logo 73. I have tried to contact logo tournament to see if they can do an upgrade so that I can buy both but they have not replied back. Have you ever done that before? Do you know how that works? Thanks, Rabun
Thank you so much for fixing the logo! I can't seem to save the files or send them to anyone. I can't even open the EPS files. I have it in a zipper on my downloads but I can't just save it by itself. Is it still a temporary file or am I doing something wrong? Thx, Rabun