Lukie GamesLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Lukie Games Lukie Games has selected their winning logo design. For $400 they received 96 designs from 22 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client lukiegames United States What We Do We sell used video games and systems, specializing in original Nintendo, Super Nintendo, and Nintendo 64. Industry Retail Color Preferences We are open to ideas but lean towards brighter, bold, cheery colors. Themes ColorfulSimpleAdventure Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st Breath of Life Withdrawn 2nd asti 3rd brad2 Withdrawn 4th Cwench Withdrawn 5th bluejet Withdrawn 6th Cwench Withdrawn 7th Breath of Life Withdrawn 8th Cwench Withdrawn 9th bluejet Withdrawn 10th Cwench Withdrawn New Cwench New vegas22 New montoshlall New gokufab Withdrawn New bluejet New DesignLab New gokufab New montoshlall New nikelson Withdrawn New Cwench Withdrawn New Cwench Withdrawn New Cwench Withdrawn New bluejet Withdrawn New aremmai Withdrawn New Breath of Life Withdrawn New Breath of Life Withdrawn New zero5150 Withdrawn New Cwench Withdrawn New Tapelogo414 Withdrawn New Cwench Prefers others. vegas22 Prefers others. ufotofu Prefers others. vegas22 Prefers others. vegas22 Prefers others. vegas22 Prefers others. vegas22 Prefers others. vegas22 Prefers others. vegas22 Prefers others. vegas22 Prefers others. ufotofu Prefers others. brad2 Prefers others. Thesk Prefers others. Thesk Prefers others. Thesk Prefers others. gokufab Prefers others. kwiklogo Prefers others. kwiklogo Prefers others. kwiklogo Prefers others. kwiklogo Prefers others. mary123 Prefers others. DesignLab Prefers others. montoshlall Withdrawn Prefers others. Cwench Withdrawn Prefers others. Cwench Withdrawn Prefers others. Cwench Withdrawn Prefers others. Cwench Withdrawn Prefers others. Cwench Withdrawn Prefers others. ZeroG Withdrawn Prefers others. Cwench Withdrawn Prefers others. Cwench 1 2 1 2 Next > Discussion 123456 Logo Designer So the elements are You company Name and maybe an Icon? Am I seeing this correct? 16 years ago lukiegames Client Hi Dave yes our name and an Icon sounds good, or possibly our name integrated in some kind of symbol/emblem. 16 years ago lukiegames Client #1 Not a fan of the space invaders icon and the font for our name is a little too blocky for what we are looking for 16 years ago lukiegames Client #6 - cemerydesign we like the blue and the red designs you have. The D-pad design is nice, not so sure about the font for our name. 16 years ago 123456 Logo Designer Another question, what does Lukie mean? Is this your name? Sorry for the questions but this will help me target you a bit better. I viewed the info above but it just does point out a few this that I need. Also, is one word more important than the other? Like, should the word "Games" take precedence over "Lukie"? 16 years ago lukiegames Client daveturton, don't apologize the more questions the better! Lukie has no meaning, it's a nickname of a former pet of one of the owners. Both words are equally important. 16 years ago vegas22 Logo Designer Hi, submitted a few more for you. let me know if you dont like the logo style / font or the colour. 16 years ago lukiegames Client vegas22, we love the color and the fonts are nice as well. 16 years ago lukiegames Client cemerydesign, we like the font in #10 and the concept you've got there. We would be interested to see what #6 would look like if you took the Lukie Games from #10 and put it in there. Maybe also a richer blue or even a purple? 16 years ago lukiegames Client #8 the icon is an interesting concept but with that color and design the first thing that we think of when we see it is Cingular Wireless. Also we'd like everything to be on a white background. We will need our logo to look good in grayscale. 16 years ago vegas22 Logo Designer hi glad you like the logo. Might finally get a medal! Do you have a slogan? Ive added "its time to play" into the L but if you have another one i can see what it looks like. 16 years ago lukiegames Client vegas22, no we don't have a slogan but we do like how you used its time to play there. 16 years ago lukiegames Client bluejet, thank you for your submissions! #26 - that is almost exactly like the Nintendo logo, which we don't want. We like the style of #27 a lot but again it's a little too much like the Nintendo logo for us. We like the looks of #28 as well but would prefer not to have an actual system in the logo. We currently specialize in NES, SNES, and N64 but are expanding into Sega and Playstation later this quarter so if the design includes a video game related symbol we'd like something a little more generic. 16 years ago lukiegames Client #25 - we like the logo design you came up with, the color is nice and we like the arrow you have in there. We'd love to see some variations and any other ideas you may have. 16 years ago lukiegames Client #27 also on that one we love the font, we really like how you made the K bigger as well. 16 years ago lukiegames Client #30 - we really like the new design! Could we see it in the blue you've been using? 16 years ago lukiegames Client #31 we couldn't use that since it's just a slight modification of the Gamecube logo. We can't use any of Nintendo's trademarks. 16 years ago lukiegames Client Wow there are a lot of great designs! It's going to be very difficult to choose a winner. We're not sure what to say at the moment, for the most part we prefer the designs with 2 colors in the name - blue and another color. We are doing our best to sort them but everything in the top 6 or 7 is great. If there is anything anyone wants to ask please feel free, we'd like to give better guidance but we know nothing about art or design or any of that and we don't know what to add.Thanks a lot for everyone's submissions! 16 years ago Breath of Life Logo Designer Mary You combined Mine and Bluejets idea in your #76Kindly think on it again 16 years ago lukiegames Client Thank you to everyone for your submissions! There were many logos we would have been very happy with and it was difficult to choose. We held a vote to determine the winner and the top four all did very well, but #64 just barely beat out #96 to be our winner. Thanks again! 16 years ago montoshlall Logo Designer congrats ideazden 16 years ago