I like the strong quiet simplicity of your two submissions. But I'm not sure about the K, to me it looks like an X with a missing arm... ;-) But I like the direction you are going. I look forward to your next submission.
Great. Much better. Can you do a version of #83 and #85 without the rainbow colors and bring the L and the K a little closer together.
In #86, can you equalize the colors so either the yellow is in the middle, or the blues aren't so dark or blues on both left and right. Also a gray scale version of this would be great to see.
#94 - could you give the icon a bit of a sheen, similar to #110 (currently ranked 3rd) and put "lucaskazan.com" next to the icon? We like your icon, but we like the finish of #110 with that kind of anodized metallic look.
And then a version of the above with a box around the icon.
sure will update you with the modifications..at the moment I'm away from my computer, one's I reach home start working on your logo. Glad that your like the icon :) Thanks H2