Thank you for your efforts! got any different ideas u wanna share? any enhancments on 79 or 11 are welcome as well. can i see 79 and 11 with different placements of the stars, how bout at the tips of the designs, the north and south points of the designs, with the existing stars and in place of them
i like 340, is it possible to have two simpke gold circles in place of the star and moon Aslo is it possible to elongate horizontally design 322 instead of vertically the way it appears to be
#366 and #367 vertical layout for #111 and #79 #370 and #371 bit taller version of #340 (this type of layout works close to square proportions) #368 and #369 vertical simple layouts
if you like the rough finish of #340 I can make it for #79 or #11 too
I have enjoyed the contest, any other requests let me know
367 and 368 are great1thank you i love the star in 369, we should play around with it and try it other places the designs similiar to 370 are good but not what im lookin for
chevrons, no Star yes, they actually arent stars, they represent people, Love ur designs! Just a few hours left if ya have any crazy new ideas or additions to current designs now is the time to submit! Thank you and good luck
381 is cool, love the fresh concept, it appears to me like 4 people holding hands, love that Like 367 the best, not sure how to improve it? I can already picture it on hats and tshirts I no u have to be ranked 1 to submit, I will put u there, mayb we can dress up 367 a bit more, or put a different spin on something. I ll be back in touch soon
#456, #457, #458 Logo has some small tweaks, just some polishing. Black and white, one color and 3 solid colors (without gradients). Showing that logo works well across different applications (photocopy, embroidery, etc)