Could you change #47 to a softer font? Not like #40 that is too feminine. And could you show where the hairline is on the figure with something besides the headband? We love the colors, the circle border, the earing, the apron, and the silhouette!
Adding to the comment above... With the hair line, I do like the headband better than the hair line in #44 but I would appreciate seeing other options. Thank you very much.
The hair in #53 is perfect! Still not crazy about the font. Before we knew what we wanted in a log we liked MS Word Harrington font but I'm not sure if that would look right here. I'll look at more fonts today too.
Oh and I like the thickness of the circle in #47. I also like the font style Gabriola. Harrington or Gabriola may not look right but that is the style we're looking for. I hope this helps. We're so close to perfection!
#58 is my number one choice right now. The font is almost right... I'm interested to see some similar fonts. Also, could you make the T in the lower case please?
#61 is it! Can I just see one more adjustment to make the font "stronger"? Can you make it bold and, if the letters look to crowded bold, can you space the letters a little farther apart? I don't want it to look squished. My other thought was to go one size bigger with the font as it is (not bold).
I can't wait to get the final touches done and pick the winner! Thank you!
Hi Angwhit, I have updated the design entry#68 and entry#69 I hope you don't mind I changed the spoon because I thought It will look nicer that way but feel free to message me if you like the other one better or if you have anymore suggestion. Thank you again.
entry #70 new spoon, size bigger and not bold entry #69 new spoon, size bigger and not bold but farther apart entry #68 new spoon, size bigger bold and farther apart