Hi Jeda. Thank you for submitting the entry #103 based on my requests. I think however that I prefer the colours you presented in your logo. What I would like to try is the person and the word 'your' in colour. Could we try the following combinations please:
1st Logo - the same as what you have in #35 but the person and the word 'your' in the same colour as the sun.
2nd Logo - The words 'love' and 'way' in the pink and the person and the word 'your' in green.
I am also happy to see what combinations you come up with in the same colours as #35 as I think they project the message of the business well. I might end up with using the logo as it is, but I would like to compare again some colour instead of the grey to be sure.
I notice there is another designer starting to use my idea with the leaf/person, etc. I thought of that idea and it is very disheartening when someone else uses it. I hope you will award originality. Thank you.
Hi. I have you as my #1 choice of designer as I am very happy with this logo. Will definately award originality and overall design to you. Thank you for making the changes to the colours, they look great. Can we please try the following colours also as a logo:
Love - red Your - orange Way - aqua
Leaf - same as it is Heart - red like the word 'love' Sun - same as it is
I am also happy for you to experiment with these colours as you see fit.
Also, if I come up with a slogan of a couple of words, can this be added to the logo? Something like 'Live your values'
I really appreciate how much work you are doing to get this right. I am still toying with the idea of different colours however. I really want it to be bright and cheerful. Can we please try the following changes to logo #113:
1st combination: Can the person/figure please be green, along with the leaf. Can the slogan plesae be purple.
2nd combination: Can the person/figure please be purple Can the slogan and leaf please be green
3rd combination Can the person/figure please be pink Can the slogan and leaf please be green
4th combination Can I have any of the above combinations with the sun yellow
Thank you so much. I know this is going to be perfect!
Thank you. Which is your favourite? I am absolutely loving #118. The colours are bright and cheerful. The yellow adds another element and I also just realised that they are the colours of all the chakras (energy centres) in the body. Purple is for spirituality and I really want to help people become enlightened and I think the arms up symbolises bliss, freedom, surrendering, and happiness. What more they have their arms pointing towards growth, fourishing, nature of all things (symbolised by the leaf), the sun which symbolises enlightenment and happiness, and love which is pretty clear.
Great job. I will run this by a couple of people who are helping me make the final decision. I am pretty sure I am good to go with #118. The only question I have for myself is what I want as the final slogan.
I like #118 too! And remember, I am sending this in various files including vector. Anyone with Illustrator would be able to change the colors down the road if need be :)
One more change to colour. Can you please make a change the the 'heart' symbol in #118 to pink? Also, please change the slogan to say "free your spirit". Can we try the slogan in 2 sizes. The current size you have used and one slightly larger?
Yes. I really like #120, but would like to change the logo to the original logo of "live your values".
Sorry it has taken so long, but after much deliberation and chatting to some others to get their opinions, this is the one that I have decided is going ot suit best.
Thank you so much. Once I see that final logo, I will close the competition and will be selected and awarded the prize money.
That's great thank you. I will be able to sign off tomorrow. Just getting some final feedback on all of the words being lower case and the full stop at the end of the slogan.
This is great! thank you so much.
btw. Am I able to get one with and one without the slogan? just in case I decide not to use the slogan?