Love-Your-Life UniversityLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Love-Your-Life University

Love-Your-Life University has selected their winning logo design.

For $377 they received 205 designs from 14 different designers from around the world.












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Dear Ysonmez,

Thank you so much for entering my contest for Love Your Life University. Of the 11 images you submitted, I like Entry #96 best. Here are the changes I would like to see if possible:

Please delete the slogan around the outside and make the emblem a little larger (about 14/16 of an inch).

Please make the outside border gold instead of red.

I like the two-tone shading on the outside circle but would prefer that the lighter part on top and the darker part on the bottom be equal with a narrow white line at 9:00 and 3:00. I would also like to see a small white heart or star-burst intersecting these lines on the outer circle.

Please use Small Caps for the wording so that all the letters are all in caps but the first letter of each word is a little larger than the other letters (like the "small caps" feature on a computer).

I love the little stylized image inside the heart but I wish there was a way to make the outline of the heart a little more refined (less thick).

I would also love to see a white star-burst where the little red star is. I would love the star to look like it was glowing if possible.

I also really liked your Entry #89 but right now I need something a little different. It's very clever and beautiful.

Below is a copy of notes I made to help clarify what I am looking for in my logo. Take what you can use and leave the rest. You are definitely a serious contender in this contest and I look forward to working with you.

Thank you so much, Ysonmez, for putting so much time and effort into responding to my request for a logo that does justice to Love Your Life University.

Your work is absolutely brilliant and I can see you are exceptional at what you do. Out of the nearly 100 entries in the contest over the past four days, there are only five graphic artists that have impressed me with what they have submitted and YOU are one of the five.

Over the next few days, I will likely narrow the field to as few as three—and from these three, my colleagues and I shall select a winner. Based on what I have seen so far, you will definitely be one of the finalists.

Notes Describing What I am Look for:

Now that I’ve been privileged to see so many examples over the past four days, I now have a better idea of the image and feeling I’m trying to have you capture in my logo.

Love Your Life University is affectionately called “Love U” because the foundation of what it teaches has to do with learning to authentically love yourself by recognizing the value you have to offer to others. Only when you love and approve of yourself are others going to treat you with the love you desire and the respect you deserve. Loving, accepting and respecting yourself is truly the key to successfully achieving any goal.

We at “Love U” work exclusively with people with potential whom we believe to be destined for greatness—heart-centered, positively-focused individuals determined to find ways to make a positive difference in the world.

The faculty at “Love U” are known for empowering their students with time-tested wisdom, resources and wherewithal to master the art of lighthearted living. They consistently accomplish this by imparting proven, repeatable success strategies that inspire people with a sense of clarity, competence and unshakable confidence to succeed at anything they choose to accomplish with amazing ease.

This is why my partner and colleagues would like to see a logo that captures the essence of what “Love U” stands for. Single words that describe the essence of Love Your Life University are:

• Love, Compassion and Kindness
• Clarity, Commitment and Confidence
• Empowerment, Strength, Balance and Brilliance
• Joyfulness, Optimism and Positive Expectancy
• Happiness, Humility and Success

To hopefully save you time and effort, I made a list below to give you an idea of what I am looking for. The descriptions below describe the things I like, but feel free to use your own creativity to create something even better!

Elements I no longer want:

No slogan—no purple—no hyphens in the words “Love Your Life”

Elements I DO want:

Style: Emblem

Emblem Size: Slightly smaller than one inch in diameter (about 14/16ths).

Colors: Primarily red and the kind metallic gold that has a reflective quality (smooth with no stippling, stripes or dots) and also a little touch of white for a star-burst or border to divide the two circles.

Outside Border: Thin, smooth, metallic gold rim on the outside of the outer circle and a thin white line on the inside of the outer circle separating the inner circle from the outer circle.

Lettering: All capital letters with the first letter of each word slightly larger than the rest of the lettering. This is the effect I get when I use the “Small Caps” feature on my computer.

Positioning: Please place LOVE YOUR LIFE on the top half of the outer circle and UNIVERSITY on the bottom half of the circle with a thin white line at 9:00 and 3:00. I would like to see a white star-burst or small heart on either side of the outer circle as well.

Inside Circle: See the description below for the desired image. Since the outside circle is gold, what is on the inside has to be shades of red and gold. Use your best judgment here.

Image: A red heart with a metallic gold border that conveys joyfulness, triumph and illumination (light). I prefer that the lines that form the heart are refined and elegant (not too thick). I prefer a heart that is stylized instead of the classic symmetrical shape. I like the idea something within the heart that imparts positive feelings of joy, optimism and success.

Thanks again for all your hard work. I look forward to working with you.

Many Blessings to You and Yours,
Jacquelyn Aldana

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok. I'm working on.

Thanks for your feedback.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Updated Entry #123
12 years ago
Thanks for your prompt response, Ysonmez. Your work is absolutely awesome.

I would love to see Entries # 99 and #89 without the slogan the way you did with your last couple of entries. I would also like to see #123 with red lettering if possible.

If you wish to contact me privately by email, I can be reached at

Many Blessings to You and Yours,
Jacquelyn Aldana
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Updated Entry #136
12 years ago
Wow! You are amazing, Ysonmez, to have sent so many variations of what I requested so quickly!

My business partner and I are both most impressed with Image #130 so far. We love the graphic in the center as it is so elegant and stylish and projects the image we wanted. Good job! If we were making our final decision right now, you would definitely be the winner.

Now for the details:

1) Could you please make the lettering slightly smaller leaving just a little more space between "Love Your Life" and "University. The word "University" looks so much bigger than the other lettering. I would just like to see what it looks like with all the lettering the same size if possible. I can't really tell unless I see it.

2) I love the little glowing star on the right side of the heart. Is it possible to make it just a teeny-tiny bit larger?

3) Although I love the gold embossed lettering, I would like to see what "Love Your Life" might look like in a deep shade of red (or perhaps white) as it may be a little more readable. Since "University" is against a darker background, it might be interesting to see it in white or silver lettering. I have no idea what it will look like until I see it.

4) Can you let me see what a very thin line around the outside circle would look like, while leaving the gold embossed border that is already there.

Oh, and one more thing. Is it possible to see just see the gold heart with the little figure in it separately outside of the logo? I prefer the emblem myself, but my partner wants to see the heart all by itself as she feels it would be more versatile. I think once she sees it, she will agree that the emblem is a better choice.

Thanks for all your hard work and perseverance. Unless another designer comes up with something really spectacular, I think you are destined to win this contest.

Thanks Again,
Jacquelyn Aldana

PS - If you want to contact me by email, I can then attach PDF files to give you a better idea of what we are looking for.

12 years ago
I meant to apologize for placing so many of your beautiful images in the "Not Interested" section. I really liked several of them but had to pick the one I liked the best. Thanks for taking the time to send so many examples for me to choose from. I deeply appreciate it.

Thanks Again,
Jacquelyn Aldana

PS - I am retiring for the night and will be back on my computer in about 11 hours from now.
12 years ago
Dear Ysonmez,

Thank you so much for sending your most recent entries.

I love how you made the star bigger and brighter and how you made the lettering a little smaller. I would like to see the lettering just a tad smaller yet if possible.

My partner also loves the image on Entry #163. Would it be possible to put a line above and below “Love Your Life” and make University in small upper case letters all stretched out and centered underneath it? If you would email me at, I could send you a PDF file showing you what I am asking for.

We are very close to a final decision and feel you are our designer of choice. There are just a few little things we would like to see before making our final decision:

1) We prefer the original border like on #130 vs. the new one on #158.

2) We would like to see the bottom half of the outside circle in 3 ways:
• With the original metallic gold like in #130 with gold embossed lettering.
• With a red background and white lettering.
• With a red background and gold lettering.

3) On #163, I love the fine white line between the red and gold on the inside of the heart. Can you put that in the emblem that way? I think it ads a sense of light.

After you make all the final changes, we plan to send out our final 3 choices to the members of our faculty for review and we should have a final decision by late tomorrow.

Thanks again for all of your hard work, patience and perseverance.

Many Blessings to You and Yours,
Jacquelyn Aldana

12 years ago
Dear Ysonmez,

Just taking a minute to say thank you again for being so generous with your time and talent. You are truly amazing, Magnificent One.

You're great and I am so grateful.

12 years ago
Dear Isonmez,

I LOVE #167! It is absolutely fabulous! Great job!

I LOVE how you made the starburst larger!

I LOVE how you added the fine white line on the inside of the heart, however, I think I might like it better without the white line on the outside of the heart. Are you able to remove just that part?

I LOVE that you used the original gold rim on the outside of the outer circle.

I LOVE how you made the lettering a bit smaller and in small caps.

We are now down to the wire, Isonmez. We are nearly done so please bear with me just a little bit longer. Once this logo is complete, we will be living with it for many years to come, so it’s very important that we feel it’s the very best it can be. And because you have been so diligent, there’s a good chance we may have more work for you in the future. I have only a few more requests before the contest is over in less than 2 days from now:

Requested Changes:

Please remove the white line only from the outside of the heart (leave the one on the inside) on all the images for which I am requesting change. Thank you.

Entry #169: Please make the “Love Your Life in the most readable shade of red and leave the bottom half of the circle the way it is. Do you think it might look better if the lighter upper half of the circle and the darker lower half of the circle were more blended so there wasn’t such a stark contrast? It’s hard to tell without actually seeing it. It’s fine way it is now, I would just like to see what it looks like both ways if possible.

Entry #171: Please make the entire outside circle in red using the same color for the lettering as you did on the word “University” (maybe one in the brighter red and one in the darker red if possible).

With Enormous Gratitude,

PS - Thanks again, my friend, for being so diligent and willing to respond so quickly and professionally. If you ever need a letter of recommendation, please let me know!
12 years ago
Dear Ysonmez,

It is now 6:40 PM your time on December 15 and 8:40 AM my time. I will not be in my office today after 12:00 PM as I have meetings I must attend for much of the day. I hope to hear back from you before that, but if not I just wanted to let you know I would be away.

I am hoping we can make our final decision today so we are both free to focus on other projects. It has been such a pleasure working with you and I hope you know how much I appreciate your diligent efforts to exceed my wildest expectations.

Thanks again for your kindness, patience and professionalism.

Many Blessings to You and Your Family,
Jacquelyn Aldana
12 years ago
Dearest Ysonmez,

I LOVE the way the heart looks in #180. If you can just change the "Love Your Life" to RED, I think it will look perfect! Thanks a bazillion for your patience and perseverance. As soon as I receive this minor change, I will show it to my partner and confirm that you are the well-deserved winner!

Sunshine and Smiles,
Jacquelyn Aldana
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Updated Entry #183
12 years ago
Dear Ysonmez,

You are beyond amazing. The only thing left to do is to decide which one we want to choose. You did such a great job on so many versions of our logo that we now have to decide which one is the best of the best! You are definitely the winner of the contest. I won't be able to contact my partner until tomorrow morning as I just got home and it's too late to call her.

I'll contact you ASAP before I leave tomorrow morning.

Thanks again, Magnificent One. You're great and we are so-o-o-o-o grateful.

Many Blessings,
Jacquelyn Aldana
12 years ago
Dear Ysonmez,

Do you think you could put a dark red bullet, star, heart or something at 9:00 and 3:00 on #184 to better separate "Love Your Life" from "University"? I'm trying to decide whether to go with the one with the sharp contrast between the two halves of the outside circle or the blended one.


PS - I'll bet you'll be glad when this contest is over! You must be getting tired of hearing from me!
12 years ago
One more quick question: I know each artist is ranked by the number of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place awards. It is okay for me to rank my 3 favorites all from you or must I select another designer for 2nd and 3rd place?

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear Jacquelyn,

I've submitted changes u've asked...

U have to rank 3 different designers for the first 3 places according to Logo Tournament rules but u're free to rank which designer u want:)
12 years ago
Thank you so much, Ysonmez, for the information and for adding the little stars, etc. to #184. I requested them in the dark red color however. They don't show up very well in gold. Would you mind making this one last change for me?

Thanks, Jacquelyn

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Updated Entry #193
12 years ago
Dear Ysomez,

At last! We've made a final decision! My personal favorite is #183 and my partner likes #167. We have agreed that we need #183 and that it would be nice to have #167. To make it easiest for us to use for our intended applications, it would be ideal if you could make the images on a transparent background in a small, medium and large sizes. For the most part, we will be using the logo on our website and in emails so it should be sized accordlingly. Later, however, we plan to use it on coffee mugs, tote bags and T-Shirts so it would we nice to have an image with a higher resolution perhaps.

Please let me know what you need to know and I will respond ASAP. I have a business meeting away from my office and I may not be home until later this evening. I do, however, have access to my partner's computer right now so I'll check to see if you respond before I leave her office.

We cannot thank you enough for all the time, effort and energy you put into designing our logo. We will thnk of you kindly every time we look at it.

Many Blessings to You,
Jacquelyn Aldana
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear Jacquelyn,

I'll send both logos with several formats and high resolution so u can use in everywhere please don't worry about it.

It was as pleasure to be a participant of your contest and thank for your appreciation:)

12 years ago
Dearest Ysonmez,

You are such a kind and generous man for offering to send both logos. Thank you so much for all you have done for me during this contest.

Because I took a really bad fall recently, I've healed relatively quickly but I haven't been as mentally sharp as I usually am for the last 10 days. I'm hoping the brain fog lifts pretty soon so I can function a little better and much faster.

I know it may be too late to change anything, but when I emailed the pictures of #183 and #134 to about 40-50 of my colleagues and clients to ask them which image they liked best for "Love Your Life University," about 70% them said they preferred #183 with the happy heart, but said they preferred the outside circle of #183 because it was much easier to read.

Would it be possible to put the inside of #183 on the inside #134? If you could give me both the original version of #183 and the revised version with the heart in the middle, I would be happy to send you an extra $100 by PayPal.

And if you could send all of the images in a PSD format with all the separate layers (in addition to whatever format that has a transparent background), we can make whatever little changes we want to later. Is that possible? Please let me know, Ysonmez. As soon as I hear from you, I'll be able to finalize you as the winner on

I thought I had already done that last week, but they keep sending me emails telling me to make my final choice.

I made a point to rank your submissions in the first 5 positions, hoping it will help you in your ranking with Logo Tournament. I know I am supposed to select different designers for second and third place, but I honestly liked your designs much better. You are absolutely amazing!

Thanks Again,
Jacquelyn Aldana
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear Jacquelyn,

First of all; I've really feel so bad about your health news. I hope u're ok right now get well soon! Absolutely no problem to be late at all!

Secondly, Of course I'll make amends u've asked and submit asap, please don't worry about it! Also, I'll send all the formats u've asked and please don't hesitate to ask me if u need anything else...

It was also a pleasure to be a participant of your contest and had a chance to work a contest holder like u and i thank u for all your nice words by all means:)

Yavuz Sonmez

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Updated Entry #201
12 years ago
Thank you so-o-o-o very much, Ysonmez. You kindness is only exceeded by your generosity and I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciate you. The new image looks great. I can't wait to show it to my partner when I'm able to contact her tomorrow.

Thanks again for all of your hard work.

May the good Lord bless and benefit you and yours now and always.

12 years ago
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