Entry #19 is better. I am looking for the same sophistication as you have done wih your logo for GatewayAdventures, NestSky, and 2NN. #19 is interesting but the font is somewhat boring. Perhaps we can change to something unusual and unique.to stand apart from the normal.... but sophisticated.
Is there an image in your mind that conveys Europe and an image that conveys lottery that could be incorporated in a logo such as your GatewayAdventures? Maybe a European skyline or globe with Europe or the EU countries? . I liked the idea of the monetary sign for the Euro incorporated in the EU. Hope this helps ... please ask me specific questions and I'll do my best to answer with specific answers. Thanks
Hi Thank you very much for your valuable comments, its helps me to understand your requirement very clearly. I have some thoughts and at the moments I'm working on it will update soon with new designers..