Lost GnomonLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Lost Gnomon
Lost Gnomon has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 185 designs
from 22 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Lost Gnomon Vineyard is a vineyard planted on a property where an old fading sundial, chiseled out on top of a large cube boulder sits. The vertical Gnomon that casts the shadow of the sun is missing or "Lost". The assumed sundial consist of a circle within a larger circle with a center line or chiseled crevice running perfectly north and south. from our research, the crevice is where the lost gnomon once sat. (I have provided an attached photo) The vineyard is planted with Blanc du Bois grapes for retail bottled wine.
Color Preferences
I would like a splash of gold very much like the "Logotournament" logo. I will most likely make a sparkling wine and sparkling wine bubbles tend to put off a flash of gold color. white lettering on black or a grey / black on a white canvas is good as well.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I have decided to drop "Vineyard" from the tittle so please only use "Lost Gnomon" in the Logo. This will give me a broader label application. I would prefer a version of a sundial or gnomon image incorporated into the logo as well. Or a sundial / gnomon crest of some sort with the label initials (LG)
Thank you
Thank you