This is still the best Monkey!!! do you think it would be possible to position the monkey so has has one hand on the money and the other on the laptop? Instead of his tail?
Here is little worker with his hand on. Hope this is what you had in mind. Let me know what else you`d like to see. Thanks for the great feedback-it sure helps. Kind regards, Bob.
Can you please show mr #175 with the facial expression you have in #144?
Show it to me both with the circle in the background and without please. I think we may like the position of the monkey better there.
If we select you as the winner, will you give us a few (3-5) different versions with the monkey in different positions? Also an illustration of the Monkey alone by himself?
Hello, here are three versions you asked for. Let me know if you would like to see any other combination. As for your request about different monkey positions, it shouldn`t be a problem, but I`m not allowed to discuss it with you before the contest is over, because it is against Logo Tournament rules. i hope you understand. However, every designer who wins the contest is obligated to send different color versions of logo (like solid color, black and white,....) and Contest Holder can ask for separated character and font images, plus different formats (like EPS, AI, PDF, PNG, JPG,...) of the logo. Kind regards, Bob
Fair enough -- I just had a request to try and adjust the .com. Because of it's placement, someone could interpret the name as which isn't good - lol The D could look a little like a P due the the ".com" placement. Applies to #148 #177, #178, #179
No problem. I just got back from my work, and will do the changes in a couple of minutes (I can do it during jugging time-just in case you`re wondering). Regards, Bob.
OK, here are three options #198 #199 #200 with different placement of .com. Let me know which one do you prefer, so I can apply it on all other entries. If you don`t like any of them, I`ll try out more options. Kind regards, Bob.