I appreciate your integration of the acorns and keeping the coloring simple. For #2, the tree doesn't resemble an oak, but the concept is good. For #1, the acorn is too prominent, but I like where you are headed with both.
For #80 & #81, I'm not sure I like the cluster of 3 oranges. Looks kinda naughty to me. Could we maybe incorporate them in the tree and make them smaller??
me again - could you include another logo similar to #85 with "Loomis Basin" smaller and Education Foundation featured like in one of the previous logos? That will give the committee options. Also, include a logo with an oak tree instead of a mandarin tree. then they can see it multiple ways.
I have new revisions to upload however there is server problem that is not allowing uploads, tech support has been notified. hopefully it will be resolved in the next hour or so.
The committee really likes #106, but would prefer to see the grow.create.enrich in the dark grey font like #107. Those adjustments will get you to winner :)