Great concept particularly like # 88 Can you change the font in lonstein to some thing more solid? Also can you thread the needle thru the two dots in the yin/yang sign and change the yin yang color combo's
Some changes as requested. Any particular colors that you would like to see in YinYan? In these new entries I also have 2 different fonts that I have used. Please let me know if you prefer either one. Also are you looking for an Oriental feel to the font that is readable or just commonplace easy to read fonts?
Give an oriental font a try for comparison purposes, Can you angle the yin yang so the needle isnt straight up and down, I like the red black color combo in 98 but am open to other combo's. can you try a simple black and white as well?
Here are some variations with the needle on an angle as you requested, or would you rather see the whole Yin/Yang and needle rotated as if it were a 3 dimensional object? Kind of like the #1 entry, but not exactly.
Also, I am starting to play with some Oriental style fonts to see how they would look in your logo without it matching the fonts used in Chinese Restaurant logos. Might take a little while, but will work at it.
Here is a font that has just a touch of an oriental feeling to it without looking like a chinese take out restaurant. The font is all original, I designed it myself. So you will truly have a unique logo with this one, if you like the feel of it.
Please notice necessary changes made to entry #119, Yin Yang slighly rotated on angle and i added a shadow at the bottomof the Yin Yang to give it more of a 3D effect.
I was just looking at all my submissions and wanted you to know that all of them are legible over a fax machine, if they were in B&W that is. The one with the hands is a little difficult to read as a fax unless the hands are lightened somewhat. Just thought you ought to know that because I'm sure that you are concerned about what others might see at the other end of the fax machine.