#49. We like the potential with this one. Can you try different color schemes? Perhaps some browns. Also, the L cradling the T is a good concept, but can you make it a better design? It seems a bit pixilated. Also, move the "longtail" part of the design closer to the cradling LT - and maybe try it off-center vertically.
#48 Font is too plain, can you get a little more creative with the font? We like the "LT" - but can you give us other examples of this and other color schemes?
Thanks for the gr8 feedabck.I really need it to improve the design. Well abt the pixelated thing,I couldnt see it pixellated.It may be coz you are seeing it in low resolution now.when you will get the final high resoltuion file the image will be perfect. :)
Personally I like the brown version more than teal.