#55 - i like this too. it is simple and uncluttered, yet eye catching. can we see how this would look with the sun being the same color as the font? can you try also blue,...whatever you think looks good? should the fonts be the same color as the sun? thank u
hi, thanks for comments, wel thsi logo is good when you have a website, I think most logos that people upload is nice on Tshir ,but you are tech company ,so it is inportant have a logo that works on the print and website and in smll or icon size still look cool.. I think most people use western font, wich in small scal will lost the details, hope my logo will help you by the way I dont like red with red, logo must have 2 -3 colores at list
haik74- can you try #55 using the gary (the color of the font) for the rider and yellow (like #54) for the sun? that will be 3 colors (4 counting the white background). The font you used looks good. i am no fond of red either, that is why i choose gray for the rider and the font and choose yellow for the sun. i think this will look good on business cards, website,...
please let me know what you think and if you can makem changes requested.
haik74- it is perfect! (almost) is it just me, or is the "longrider" a little off center? it appears that the text needs to be shifted to the right a bit. can you do this? maybe it is the picture too? take a look and tell me what you think. i like it very much
well, I can send you the variationes, I mean, I will need a day to fix them , as i dont keep all the old ones, I will send you clean EPS; FONT; and PSD if you want, or EPS with embed font, if you want color variations , np , I will send
haik74 - i'm about to declare a winner. before i do, can you make one more change for me? can you make the word "software" a larger font,...something to make it stand out a little better? i'm afraid that in print that it will not be very visible.
my favorites are: #54, #63, #55 and #56 (though i wish #56 was in blue)
#69 Is it any problem to lower the "--" that is on each side of the word software? They are not centered. Also, can you make the same changes to #54? Thank you for your patience.