Max K - Really like your design #27. Need to incorporate Ultimate Essiac into the logo, but I am struggling with where to put it! Perhaps to the right bottom of the "g" right, them drop slogan a bit lower? Not sure, curious fro your help.
Thanks for your submissions. Have you ranked as #2, but would like to see a few changes if possible. Please review entries from Glnud #29, 68 & 71. Prefer his font type or similar and his layouts of slogan and Ultimate Essiac. Could you give some thought here and provide a few scenarios for me? Really appreciate your design and help to adjust.
max - These are awesome! One final request; 81 & 82; can you add a little more space between Ultimate Essiac and slogan? Just want to separate a little bit.
Thanks again Max, they really all look good and the logo is very versatile.
Max - These are great, really good! I have edits I hoped you could make, only need to adjust one logo and we can finalize if your work is selected.
Entry #84 1 - Make the "L" and "T" in LongeviTea taller so they stand out more. 2 - Slightly shrink Ultimate Essiac width to center and put side bars on either side to frame it. 3 - Make bullets between slightly larger.
Max - Definitely evolving and coming to end. Last request, please review my comments for 137 entry, ranked 2 behind you. Would like to see his text layout with your design. Thanks again.
Max - 161 is fantastic! I did miscommunicate, one more version of 161. This time match Cleanse font color to your yellow leaf shade, Balance font color to medium green and Restore to darkest green. Make bullet color medium green shade. Thanks...that should be the last!
Max - Thanks again, almost there. We have it dialed in now. You guys are incredible, lots of good work.
Please increase height of slogan, like better if a little larger than Ultimate Essiac font size. Also, Can I see number 200 with Longevi in mid green and Tea in dark green? Any other color combo with this theme you like? Finally, really like the blue green color combination Xyan uses. Could you adjust and give it a shot for me.
Hey, if picked, how can we work in future on some branding/marketing design stuff? How do you bill?
235 and 236 are same, flip slogan and ultimate essiac...didn't save.... Please one more and one more with yellow/gold, navy blue and green. Same layout and theme.
235 and 236 are same, flip slogan and ultimate essiac...didn't save.... Please one more and one more with yellow/gold, navy blue and green. Same layout and theme.