1 - Can we align in a circular fashion around leaves - "Cleanse, Strengthen, Restore" 2 - Also, possible to create yin/yang effect with leaves or just include a yin/yang silhouette in center of leaves stems? 3 - horizontal lines either side of Ultimate Essiac to frame center with LongeviTea above?
Thanks Matt! Please leave a comment if you want more revisions and i'll be glad to do. I'll just take a short nap for now, it's already 4:30 am on my end :) Thanks for waiting.
23/24 are good, but just too busy. Can you revisit #10 original for me. In same color and font as LongeviTea, put slogan at bottom like you just did. Add a little more space between Ultimate Essiac and slogan.
#25 - I told you incorrectly, should be: Cleanse (bullet) Balance (bullet) Restore. Then can you lower a bit more from Ultimate Essiac and change font color to same as LongeviTea.
Gelnud - One more final request if you have time. #29, we REALLY like the leaves/flower design you have created, but are struggling with different ways to illustrate as part of the logo. Any additional ideas for how to layout text and name around or on it? Sorry, wish I could give clear direction here. Tough one, we love the design, but it does not flow right the way we have it laid out currently.
Gelnud - First, I sincerely appreciate the extra designs you have prepared, thank you.
Second, Is there a way to take the flower leaf pattern, make a little bigger and place directly centered and behind or "stitched in" LongeviTea? We are really close if we can make that work. What I do like is how versatile your logo could be...
Gelnud - I keep looking at #76 and really like the symmetry of the flower with words around it, almost like a seal. Is it possible to separate the top four leaves and put on top of LongeviTea and same on bottom? Almost as if the logo was coming out of the word or behind it? This has real promise.
Sorry gelnud, let me try to explain better. I want LongeviTea to extend beyond the circle, left and right. So imagine 1/3 to left of circle, 1/3 centered and 1/3 to right of circle. No longer round shape overall. That make sense?