nur, our client is still looking for a rustic/western feel that has not yet been captured in the image or the fonts. They seem to like the star in the middle of a circle, and they want the Texas flag to fully take up the circle. They also like the idea of a water theme...given it is a car wash. There is one design that starts to show a wave - they like it, but wan the flag to take up the circle and the wave to somehow be in front. Not sure how to include a water/wave and maintain the flag theme. Your thoughts?
nur, the client loves your concept for #63. They would like to see a couple modifications. First, can you make the font white and use a font similar to entry #52. Second, they want to see if a star similar to one in entry #31 would look better. Lastly, a bit more conceptual.... They want to know if there is a way to make it look like the star was cut out of a mold. Like you were looking through a piece of metal that had a star cut out of it. Not sure what you would see on the other side?? Perhaps build upon the water theme...more water coming out of the space where the star was. Sounds a little complicated to me, so not sure if it even works. If you can find a way to make it work, great. If not, keep the earlier theme with modifications above. Thanks.
Ok, we are very happy with your designs with the water splash in the background. In fact, most of the changes we are looking to make simply take things we like in your other designs and combine them into one. For instance, we want the star to be flat like your entry #83 and #63. Also, in your entry #83 the silver color looks very metallic--is it possible to attain the same metallic quality in a rust color? We would also like the star to be in the same metallic rust color. Finally, we like the white font color in your entry #82. Thanks.
Nur, you are almost there. The rust color should be a bit more red. Rust typically has a bit of brown, red and almost orange (very subtle on the orange). Look at entry #91 as a good example of the rust color. We just wanted a bit more of the metallic shine you gave yours in #83. Let me know of you need further clarification. Thanks.
nur, my client seems to be stuck on which logo they prefer. They asked me if there was a way to see #148 larger and in a higher resolution. It seems that they are putting a large sign on their building, and they want to make sure it will look ok once it is blown up. Any suggestions on how we can do this?
There are a couple of minor changes, but I will award you the winner now. Can you please make the center star to be the same rust color as the circle. You can outline the star the same way you have outlined the circle. Thanks and well done on the design. The client really likes it....and they were a tough client!