The management group like the shape and font, the player shape and think the design shows potential.
Can you offer any improvements could you make it clearer that it is the London skyline in the background?
Greater recognition of buildings or a building through slightly stronger contrast between the red colours or maybe use of alternative colour e.g. white as in #66.
#67 The group like the handballplayer, looks strong and dynamic, and that he is in an ʺupwardʺ jump (whereas in a couple of the other logos they are falling down. which, for me, makes them look ʺheavyʺ). This is a logo where you see the player and want to try out the sport!!
#67 Adding to the previous comment can you remove the grey please so we stay within the brief of three colours red, black and white. Would rotating some of thecolours work e.g. the player, ball, word association and trail to ball in red, London Handball in black, background in white or other
Thanks very much for those extra two designs - they are excellent.
Just to let you know what we are doing at the moment:
After the contest finished last Tuesday we have begun a public vote.
Please encourage your friends, family and others to vote for their favourite logo - we would like to have the widest view.
On Monday evening the management group will assemble and we will take account of the public vote and will have an Olympic style voting competition - round by round - to find the winning logo.
Then we will choose the winner on the site.
We would like to have black and white versions of the winning logo and will be pleased to receive any other suggestions you make.
Sorry that we are not making an early decision but we wanted to try and take the widest opinion before making our own choices based on personal preference.
Thanks for all your efforts in what was a fantastic contest.
Please make sure you vote for your logo by visiting our web page