Strengths : #18 : fonts & we prefer the toucan in the last O; #11 : the toucan in the K is a good idea Weaknesses : the color of the toucan in all your logos; #18 : integration of the toucan in the O can be improved; #11 : the toucan seems to be dead ^^
#21 Strengths : Good looking logo. Changes you made are well done. Weaknesses : The neck of the toucan looks a litle bit like a pinguin.
#21 We think we prefer the toucan to be in the last "O" with this logo style.
#23 Thank you for suggesting something new. Weaknesses : The logo looks less balanced comparing to others. The writting style you used look like a "cowboys saloon"
We are wondering if you can try something with a flying toucan or an entire toucan?
We think your logos with the flying toucan (#24 & 25) are cool and we like it. Unfortunately, when we've shown them to some of our future customers, they found it not serious enough for our brand. So we ranked this logo for points but we couldn't rank it as high as we thought when we first saw it.
As you said you are working on other styles, keep this comment to find the proper balance between serious and funny logo.
We like the toucan on logo #58 But we prefer the beak of the logo #21 Could you please update a new logo with a mix of both style? Also, it seems the logo #18 is finally more stylish with the "O" like this.