Strengths: each element is well integrated, nice touca, nice coton flowers Weaknesses: a little bit too thick in general; (too many colors on the beak?)
#79 Strengths: each element is well integrated, the toucan is wonderfully made. Really good job! Weaknesses: We think the font (writtings) can be improved. Could you try something more elegant? In fact we think it's a little bit to thick and we don't like much the letter "k". We will be happy if you make some tries changing the font + put "Amazonia" in grey and also in black. We are wondering how it may look with a full black writting, though we like in grey too.
#107 We really like your logo. Thank you. We are wondering if you could make some new tries with the exactly same logo but with new colours for the beak? What we mean is that we like the main colour of the actual beak, just we would like to see how it looks like if you add other colours effects but more simple than #70. We are curious about that.
Thank you.
Update: Could you please to try also a logo with the sides of the beak a litle bit more stressed, so that we can guess the shape better. And could you try also to stress the sides of the coton flower? We wish to see how it looks too.
I have been ill for the past few days. I am on the upswing, but am still dragging quite a bit. I am not sure I will be able to make changes before the contest time has run out. It's easy to facilitate designers uploading changing for you during judging time. Thanks for your patience.