Would you also do an additional logo with the LGT block italicized AND with the corners very slightly rounded.
I'd also like to see the LGT block round. In addition, could you also add subtle divisions (like a pie cut into 5 or 7 pieces - which is like the bottom of our cutting tools).
please make the 5 white lines separating the black ring go all the way to the center. meaning they all touch at the center of the LGT and extend out through the black ring.
Would you please make the LGT in #91 smaller. Could you also please tilt it a couple of degrees to the right (not back and right, just right). Instead of straight up and down ( I ) we'd like to see a slight angle ( / ).
Would you please make a version of #163 without the "chrome streak" through it. Please keep all the colors the same. This should end up looking similar to #127 but with different colors.