Entry #113 - Can you make the enclosure look more like a light bulb, I would like to attach a jpg for an image.
Entry #113 - I like this logo as well, however try to remove the white swoop across the word strategies, so the word can look a little clearer. Can you also try a few other color combos, I like the grey, however would like to look at other shades then red.
Hello Purboyo, I am going to select #172 as my winner. However I would like to follow up on entry #167, #168, #150 and #171. I am in the middle of building my new website and not sure which logo design will work best for it.
click" complete contest" on your contest page, than I will upload Final File with EPS and JPG File format. Then download the files and approve them. click "Approve" link under My Account > My Ended contests.
we can arrange your inquiry via email after the contest is completed. because according to LT's rules, Designer Guidelines for posting Private arrangements with Contest Holders are unacceptable. (Example: offering additional free services during the contest if they select your logo) It is fine for a winning Designer to offer additional services after the contest is over.