LKN K9 ConnectionLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / LKN K9 Connection

LKN K9 Connection has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 41 designs from 9 different designers from around the world.


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Logo Designer
In the entries #23 and #24 I have a concept dog jumping and playing the ball. the dog form is in the negative space between letter K and 9. I think this is creative gestalt design. I hope you will interest and love my design. thanks
best regards.

9 years ago
I really like entry 21, is there a way you can incorporate the lake feel into it somehow without changing too much?
9 years ago
(Continued) can you used the dog head from entry 20 and added a lake effect?
9 years ago
Scratch that ^. Can you take entry #20 and
-add the slogan to the bottom
-make the N's just normal
-add something to incorporate the lake

9 years ago
Scratch that ^. Can you take entry #20 and
-add the slogan to the bottom
-make the N's just normal
-add something to incorporate the lake

9 years ago
Scratch that ^. Can you take entry #20 and
-add the slogan to the bottom
-make the N's just normal
-add something to incorporate the lake

9 years ago
Scratch that ^. Can you take entry #20 and
-add the slogan to the bottom
-make the N's just normal
-add something to incorporate the lake

9 years ago
Scratch that ^. Can you take entry #20 and
-add the slogan to the bottom
-make the N's just normal
-add something to incorporate the lake

9 years ago
Scratch that ^. Can you take entry #20 and
-add the slogan to the bottom
-make the N's just normal
-add something to incorporate the lake

9 years ago
Scratch that ^. Can you take entry #20 and
-add the slogan to the bottom
-make the N's just normal
-add something to incorporate the lake

9 years ago
Logo Designer
#25, with lake symbol on 9. and moon on the hole of 9 with birds. i hope you will love it :)
9 years ago
Im 99% sure if you take number 20 and make those 3 edits it will be #1
9 years ago
Logo Designer
check #26 and next #27
9 years ago
#26 is perfect! ! Thanks so much!
9 years ago
#27 is perfect too i like the extra wave
9 years ago
#26 definitely has the top spot right now. Can we try something? Instead of my slogan can you just change it to "dog training" so i can see how that looks just out of curiosity
9 years ago
#26 .. can you change the logo to:

"Teaching your dog valuable life skills"
9 years ago
I know im probably driving you crazy. Ignore all of the most recent requests. Can you just take #26 and change the current slogan to "teaching your dog life skills through balanced obedience"
9 years ago
Logo Designer
please check #30 and #31. thanks
9 years ago
Exactly. exactly. Thank you! Whats the difference between the two? Size?
9 years ago
Logo Designer
yes. size of the dog :)
9 years ago
Just curious... is there a way to get a version of my logo where its the same but the black writing is white ? That way i can put it on black backgrounds and it will be legible
9 years ago
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