Could you go to and use the same font that is used as their "point 2" portion AND then look at the product logo and use the exact "7" font used there Tthat would be great Thanks Keep the Living the same
Yes that is what I asked thanks but don't think it flow well (#25 #26) Can you try using that new font for "living" too (i like the way you have the V if you can impliment that with this new font) and make the "point" smaller. Show both variations of color like you did. Thanks again
Our thoughts are to take the exsisting logo from and create a partnership with them resembeling them but changing it up a bit. So now that you have looked at the site go off of what they have and feel free to be creative. Thanks again
#69 Can you make the "L" and "P" the same size font. Also when you look at the "n" in living and the "n" in point they are not the same. Is it the same font and size? Thank You