I like the simplicity of this design. It gives the impression that a wheel is turning--as in thinking. I don't love the orange color, however. Would it work changing the orange out for sunny (and perhaps a tad orangy) yellow?
Hello. Thank you very much for your ranking. The wheel turning is half sun and half grass, to give an idea of clean energy. I'm glad you like it. Please feel free to ask me for any other modifiction you need.
This is currently my favorite design. I wonder if you could try putting "LITZ" in all lower case letters and then putting "energy strategies" in all upper case letters and maybe increase the size a little bit? The "energy startegies" part is important--perhaps more important than the "litz". Thank you for this design!
I like #91 the best. i wonder if you could please darken the "ENERGY STRATEGIES" in the logo? Also, could we try capitalizing the "L" in "litz" to see what it looks like?