I like Entry #2, which is ranked #1 right now. The colors are great, though I'm not necessarily tied to shades of blue. I also like that there is some difference in the weights of the font. I think it would make more sense, however, to make the weight change from "LIT" to "HELP." We want to draw the distinction between "litigation" and "help," as those are the primary focuses of our business.
As to Entry #3, which is currently ranked 2nd, I do not like the exclamation point. We work in too conservative an industry for this type of "gimmick." I do like the font; it is clean, which is important. I do like the color scheme here as well, but I do not like the speech bubble. To me, it suggests that we are a phone-based company, which is not the message we want to convey.
As to Entry #1, which is currently ranked 3rd, this is my least favorite. I do not like the font as much as in Entry #2 and #3. Also, as with Entry #3, I don't believe the exclamation point will be well-received in the conservative industry we serve. Also, while I personally like the color, I think the darker blue in Entry #2 and Entry #3 suggests that we are a serious company with strong foundations. Finally, we ABSOLUTELY MUST have ".com" in the logo somewhere. Much of our business is derived from Internet searches and referrals from other customers; however, new customers inevitably will check us out by going to our website, which is "lithelp.com." Therefore, our web presence must be emphasized in future entries. Thanks for your hard work!
On Entry #22, I like the darker colors; however, I would like to see a little more contrast between "LIT" and "HELP." Also, I like the fading effect of the letters that is on Entry #17. Is is possible to do something like that with Entry #22? I am inclined to use the 3 dots because I like them and I like the font you've used over some of the other submissions.
Can I also see some examples where ".COM" is in grey or silver? I think having a splash of silver gives us a little more credibility in the conservative industry we serve.
I really like Entry #21 and how you've incorporated the legal industry into the emblem. Can you put ".COM" in grey or silver? Also, is it possible to add one more circle to the emblem that is grey or silver?
Thanks for great feedback, i really appreciate it! Here are some revision, color variants and new ideas for letter mark or real object mark. Please let me know if you need additional changes, colors can be easily adjust.
Also, on Entry #30, can you switch the "LIT" to non-boldface type and the "HELP" to boldface type? I would like to put the emphasis on "HELP," if possible.
On Entry #42 and #41, can you make the "H" more prominent in the shield in front of the letters? To me, the "L" is obvious, but the "H" is not. I think I would be more in favor of the shield if I could more clearly see the "L" and the "H". Thanks.
I also like Entry #39 as an alternative logo. While I would be inclined to use something like Entry #38, I would love to use something like Entry #39 in situations where the full logo was not required.
On Entry #51, I prefer the lighter color scheme. I think I am tied to a blue- and silver-based theme based on the prior entries, so Entry #50 is not appealing. I'm not saying I don't like it; I just am having a hard time thinking about the company as having anything other than blue since that's what we've been working with thus far.
Thanks for helpful feedbacks, OK, I understand your thoughts about the color scheme, i just wanted take a try with maroon, but it seems blue is more reliable. I will use blue+silver combination in further
Previously you ask for change #38 and i changed the word "LIT" to grey in #47. This is the only one difference.
Can you do something similar to what is shown in Entry #66 (i.e., small to big dots swooping across the front of the font) without violating the rules of the contest? I have enjoyed working with you and am inclined to choose a design from you provided that it works best for our company.
Also, if you win the contest, does that mean we get all your proposed submittals? Just wondering if you know the answer...
To tell the truth creating unique designs is much harder work than copy the leader entry. #66 is a derivative work of my #36 entry... in #66 the typography is the same and colors are extremely close to mine. The placement of the logo, word elements and dots idea with glass effect in all is more than similar. I do not want report it because my only real opponent is myself and do not care these entries. Btw: reporting gimmick guys is equal to collecting hostile peoples.
If i follow my way and creating more mutations for my idea, that can NOT be a violation, so i will do my best and post it before the time is over.
about winner selection:
"Once the contest has ended the Contest Holder will have 7 days to select the winning designer. This is usually completed the same day. The winning designer will be notified by email, and will upload the final files. The Contest Holder will then download the files and approve them. Once the final files have been approved the prize (less the 15% LogoTournament commission) will be sent immediately to the designer's Paypal account on file."
This mean, the winner designer transfer the wining entry copyrights to contest holder. If i win i give my other entries too in higher resolution if you needed.
Two new emblem #131 #132... also, i would like to hear your partner thoughts. What is his/her preference? Please let me know if you need more additional changes.