I find your entry very interesting. Nice use of the leaves, it makes me think of the tree downlighting we do that shows the leaf shadows on the ground. Most all of my Print media is on black, including vehicles. Can these be done with a black background? Thank you for your entry.
Thanks for the feedback. #55 - same as #40 but with a black background. #56 - a variation with the size and colour of the '4' and 'outdoor lighting'. #58 - a different design with the leaves as shadows in a pool of light on the ground.
I really like 55 (maybe without the star on top that makes it look like a Christmas tree), but 58 really hits the mark for uniqueness and embodies the "feel" of what we do. That being said, I am not real crazy about the 4. It's too big and I would like it yellow and placed in the upper right (see my previous logo). I think having the "Outdoor Lighting" in white underneath the "Lite4" would look cleaner too. I'm liking it. Thank you for posting a very original idea.
#80 - a version of #58 with a smaller and lighter weight '4'. #81 - variation of #55 minus the starburst and with a smaller '4' and 'outdoor lighting' below. #82 - larger type in proportion to the light and leaves. #83 - 'outdoor lighting' level with 'Lite'.
Hope you like these versions and let me know if you would like me to try something else.
Thank you so much for working with me on these renditions. I love both of your entries so much it is going to be very difficult to choose.
81 & 83 are Terrific! Love that variation 82- Love, love, love the extra leaves- my initial reaction was that the font was too large, but it may grow on me. Other than the extra large font, this is my favorite of this style.
My wife and I both really like #58 the best in this competition so far. However, I do like how the "Lite4" name appears in #80, but the "outdoor lighting" text either seems to big or out of place. I am not sure, it just doesn't seem as "nestled" into the leaves as 58 does. On 58, if the 4 was yellow and the "Outdoor" was black with a white "lighting". That might look ok too leaving the 4 larger than usual.
Thank you for all your hard work and great ideas. Your designs really capture the essence of what I am trying to convey at a glance.
I really like the font that #85 used that is currently ranked 4th. Yours is certainly a more elegant font, but I wonder what it would look like with a font that was a bit bolder like that one.
Thanks for the great feedback - it's quite refreshing to see a Contest holder participate like this - you would be surprised to see how little feedback there often is, even for a highly ranked entry. #91 - a version of #58 with '4' in yellow. #92 #93 #94 - variations of #80 with different size for 'outdoor lighting'. These have a bolder '4' but I could change it back to the lighter weight. I'll have a look at bolder 'Lite' next.
One last thing, if you could show me #92 with a Thinner 4. Take away the "outdoor lighting" from underneath the Lite4. Drop the Lite4 down into the top of those leaves. Underneath everything in the same font size and color that you have Outdoor Lighting- type "Lighting for Outdoors" Leave a decent space between the bottom of the blue "light circle" and the "Lighting for Outdoors"
Thanks so much for all your great ideas and willingness to tweak things. You do great work!
#97 - same as #92 with a thinner '4'. #98 - Lighting for outdoors dropped down below the blue light. #99 - a thicker version of 'Lite'. I think the thin versions are better.