Lisa B. MarshallLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Lisa B. Marshall

Lisa B. Marshall has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 237 designs from 21 different designers from around the world.








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Logo Designer
Our logo refers to the values of communication, understood as production of every human being.

(This comment references Entry #2)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Our logo refers to the values of communication, understood as production of every human being.

(This comment references Entry #3)
16 years ago
Thanks for your early entries. I think I prefer the one with the graphic than the one without the graphic. Maybe a different graphic would be better? The graphic you used reminds me of a brain doctor (Maybe you were going for "expert"?) #2 is clean and attractive but does not communicate what it is that I do. Thanks again.
16 years ago
In very simple terms I help people talk better. That's why I was thinking about a conversation bubble or overalapping conversation bubbles for the graphic image. But it could be people talking, or something that symbolized this is some way. I am open to ideas because I am not sure the best way to symbolize "better communication".
16 years ago
Logo Designer
I believe that there is no better symbol of communication that the conversation bubbles, or better than the mark to denote improvement ..
I hope your coments.

(This comment references Entry #8)
16 years ago
I really like what you did with entry #10. I think the graphic is great!

Is there any chance I could get you to simplify the overall logo a bit? (Maybe get rid of the reflection and get rid of the gradient line that goes through the letters? Keep in mind, these are just suggestions so you get an idea of what I mean...I would prefer you decide how to make it more simplified.)

Thanks for all your effort.
16 years ago
Regarding #8 and #9, I like them too. Perhaps you could simplify #8 too? I think I am leaning toward a white background, although the black background looks good too.

I think #10 will ultimately be a bit more versatile being able to fit better on a variety of items.

Thanks again for putting your time into this.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks Lisa, devote my time for your logo, is also fascinated by what I do.
I appreciate your ratings on my designs.

(This comment references Entry #40)
16 years ago
After thinking about it some more, I am thinking I need the entire name. So, I moved #41 to my second choice.
I still love the graphic you created.

I am wondering if you could possibly make the graphic smaller in proportion to the name and have it hover over the right side of my name. If you made the pointer part of the conversation bubble smaller it could sit tighter to the text. Also, I was hoping you could reverse the orientation of the pointer part so that it points left (instead of right as it points now).

Oh about the color scheme. Any chance I could see this in orange, instead of red?

I really hope you will make some these revisions. I really love the graphic, but right now I just don't feel comfortable with how the graphic and the text hang together. They seem like separate elements to me instead of one complete graphic.

Y, si tu necesitas escribir en espanol, esta bien. Mi esposo es de Panama y hablamos en espanol. No estoy fluente pero, bastante. No se las reglas, tel vez es necessario en ingles porque los commentarios son para todos. Mi nombre professional es Lisa Marshall, pero la verdad es lisa velasquez!
16 years ago
in terms of the and grey instead of red and grey
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Gracias por tus comentarios,
a ver si entendí bien tus revisiones para la entrada #41,
- cambiar el juego de colores de Rojo y Gris a Naranja y Gis
- reducir el isotipo y colocarlo a la derecha (el lugar correcto en términos de comunicación visual sería el izquierdo)
- cambiar la orientacion del punto de la burbuja de conversación a la derecha en vez de a al izquierda. (esto sería correcto en el caso de colocar el isotipo a la derecha pero no si fuera a la izquierda)
espero tu respuesta.
Pablo Vidal

Thanks for your feedback,
to see if you got good reviews for the entry # 41
- Change the color scheme of red and gray colors to orange and gray
- Reduce the isotype and placed on the right (the right place in terms of visual communication would be the left)
- Change the orientation of the bubble point of the conversation to the right instead of left. (that would be correct in the case of putting the isotype but not to the right if the left)
I hope your feedback.
Pablo Vidal"
16 years ago
Logo Designer
I think this is what you asked me ... I hope your comment.

(This comment references Entry #98)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Lisa: how are you?
I am working in the metaphor to include some people in the isotype, now I have a question: you develop your business in a group or person to person?.
Thanks for your time, I hope your comment.

(This comment references Entry #106)
16 years ago
To answer you question, I deliver seminars and workshops to groups, but I also do one-on-one coaching. So the answer is BOTH!

You know, I just moved #41 back up in the rankings. I keep coming back to that one. It's simple, clean.

The problem is that it just "isn't done yet" for me. I can't figure it out. Maybe the dialog bubble needs to move just a little right or maybe it's the color red that bothering me? I keep thinking if this one were adjusted in some way, it could great. I'd love to see if you've got any thoughts about how to improve it.

16 years ago
Logo Designer
Lisa thanks for your feed back, I hope that this is what you ask me, or at least we are on track to achieve this, I remain at your orders to make the necessary revisions to believe.
Pablo Vidal

(This comment references Entry #146)
16 years ago
#182, looks too cartoonish and also the graphic reminds me of a hockey stick and a puck! Sorry.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Lisa: t
e escribo en español, lo que no entiendas me lo preguntas y trato de explicarte.
Se que los anteriores logos no eran lo que esperabas, el #182 y el #194, nada mas fueron para explorar algun otro camino de diseño sin necesidad de repetirme con mis colegas, es lo que he tratado desde el principio, Desarrollar estos logos me ayudó a llegar a mis post #199, #200,#201,#202, #203 y #204, en los que mantengo la metáfora de la comunicación con la burbuja de conversación y en los que relacioné con la "b" de tu nombre, me pareció un recurso nemotécnico, que puede redundar en una imagen positiva y memorable de tu marca.
Espero haber podido ser de tu ayuda, para enconrar eso que para tantos no tienen valor, pero para los que estamos en esto de la comunicación y también nos apacionamos con ella, es tan importante.
Desde ya muchas gracias por tu tiempo.

Pablo Vidal
bWhite! DESIGN
16 years ago
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