I like the designs. Thanks for submitting! What do you think of trying those same ones but with the word Tab underneath Liquid, either centered, offset, or whatever you think?
Hi there, could you try the following adjustments to the following logos: Entry #35: Place the entire word in one line Entry #20: Can you make the font bolder? Hard to see sometimes. Entry #36: Can you try another version without the wireless waves at the top right? Like to see that version, and a second version where the words are on one line. Also, can you try using the font you used on Entry #20? It's slightly different from Entry #36's.
Like the logo on Entry #35. It could easily serve as an icon for an app. Can you try using different colors, something more neutral, like blue? Also, can you try to add more visual appeal to the icon?
Hi thanks for your revisions! Easy ones first: not a big fan of the 3-D ice cube like #68. Entry #62 and #67 look great. For #62, can you try different shadow effects on the words? For #67, the color gradient on the logo is too sharp. The top-left corner is too white.
#62, 93. Can you try this design using the font of 95 and 96? Or any other slight adjustments to read more clearly but still look cool. We really like this design! Thanks!
Hi, do entries #150 and #151 have the same font size? For both entries, can you make the color of "tab" be solid like you have in entry #62? What happened to the blue ones?
Hi its same font size and ill make the color of "tab" be solid now..I have deleted blue ones since you interested in orange ones..sorry will upload it again..
Also, could you please try Entry #183 and #186 in a slightly less red (perhaps more orangish) color for the word "Tab"? Still want the color to be a solid color (no gradient). Somehow, the red color seems too red compared to the logo above.
Thanks. For Entries #183 and #227, can you try a slight color gradient on the word tab? The gradient should be against white or black. Not a fan of the color gradient like in Entry #96.