In #19 you got the direction, bu they are of Different color and the ">" come across as separate, you need to make it look as they are part of the Bars i.e. an extension of space and the sign...all as 1 unit
#20 is what you need to improve see this link, and see the Logo Path and you see the arrow...If you can get the paodium arrows like the url I showed...
In #42 Can you have the graphical element in the left like the other logo guy did on #33...Now the Podium is not looking like podium, First have the flat bar leave tiny space as in a small line over that put the arrow like u have it
Ok, I ll change logo to the left asap, also make my podium with tiny space between... what d oyou think about new idea, adding signs <> which gather podium?? Anything else, just ask