Hello - We love #31 and #25 - I feel like they need a bit more depth because they appear flat to me - Also on #25, can you make it black and teal instead of silver - we need to make sure it can POP and is branded easily.
Thank you so much for the ranking & feedback. Here are the revised designs. I will not be at my design computer util after the contest ends, but the first place designer can still make changes during judging mode if needed. Thanks again
I like what you're doing with #85 - the drop shadow you added to the LD looks good, but I'm not too excited about the background wall you have behind the LD - #84 and #82 are on the right track - here are my notes:
#84 - make the D (of the LD wave scoop nike effect) Go BLACK and add the drop shadow effects - \
#82 - Make the D White with drop shadow effects to make it pop
#94 is our favorite of all of your submissions - We need to make some adjustments to the text - I think there are too many effects, or maybe because it's lower case and hard to read - we need to make sure people don't think it says INK, so making the L and D more dominant to make sure it says LINK DISPLAYS - I also would like to see it in Black background as well -
Please see if you can give us some variations with the fonts, and once we have decided on a good font that works, then we can try it also on a black background -
Just so you know, some of our favorite fonts are #61 #65 and #89 - so you can play with some similar to those.
We need to be able to modify this logo for different applications. Our website will be the standard "Link Displays" logo, but for other applications like on print or branding on products, we need the logo to say "Powered By Link Display Systems" - This will be the same Link Displays Logo, but we will put "Powered by" at the top in a smaller black font, then "Systems" underneath Link Displays - I'm sure you know what I mean and can figure out how to make it all look good.
Here is a look at the first place design with the "Powered By:" & "Systems" lettering. Of course I can add this to any design, I just wanted to show you how it would look...
Let's take #109 and work with it - I need the font to please be something a bit stronger - like #45 from another designer looks like something we can go towards.
Next - (in #109) let's make the LD Swooshes/Waves a bit more metalic so the colors can really shine a bit more. I like the depth and effects you've created, now I just need the colors to stand out. Also, on the black background, lets make the D (bottom swoosh wave) white so it really pops.
I need a version of this in White background as well, with the new font - this should look similar to #94 but with the new font, and the metalic shine effects to the LD swooshes, and I don't know if you can lighten up the D swoosh to make it close to white since it's on a white background, but it needs to match to the black background version...
Perfect, this is looking much better - can you try it with the font from #118 - I think that's our favorite font of yours. The metalic effects on the swooshes look great - let's try the new font and also I need to see it on White background - thank you so much!
Ok, we think #128 is the winner so far - we need the text of "Link Displays" to be a bit taller so it doesn't look so squeezed and tight... Just a bit more height on that text and I believe it will work - I like the silver box behind the LD Swoosh a lot better than the white, so let's keep it silver - and once you have the text a bit taller we can see it on black and white backgrounds...
#129 and #130 look great - let's lock these in - can you give me a version that is stacked as well, similar to #111 but with the new font from #129 and the new overall logo all together, just stacked vertically and large like the #111 samples...
At the end, #129 and #130 are done deal - I just need the same 2 in the vertical stacked position and those 4 will complete our package. Please send me the sample and we can approve it and complete the contest.
Sorry for the delay in response, I was away for a few days - Can you give me #131 and #132 in the vertical format and we are all good to finish.
We're not sure which of these we are using, so if you could package #131 and #132, as well as the 2 new vertical versions of these two, we can have all 4 to decide when the website goes live. Please package them for us in Vector format and deliver - I will have my graphic designer confirm the files and complete the contest to pay you. Thanks again for all of your work.
Awesome - All set - Can you package #128 through #133 for me and deliver so we can complete?
Send via email to Steve@infiltrationpictures.com or package all 6 logos on here for me to download - or send a link, anything will work, I just want to have my graphics guy double check them so we can move on.