LimegiftLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Limegift

Limegift has selected their winning logo design.

For $475 they received 392 designs from 77 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

What We Do
We are a promotional gifts and merchandising distribution company, our main target is B2B costumers who like to have their own branded merchandising items.
Color Preferences
black / white, grey, dark green or Lime green
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Please provide a simple, minimalist, modern logo. If you want to add something special to the logo, do it with the letters.
Style Inspiration
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Please use only "Limegift" without Zrt. when submitting your works!
4 years ago
We like the Lime color logos combined with grey or grey/white color and logos in one row better.
4 years ago
We don't like logos with Lime and gift ribbon symbol, we want a simple, minimalist, modern logo, we like the logos with lime and grey colors, and we would also like to see some type of LG symbol in front of the Limegift word, not above it.
4 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear CH,
A comment added 6 minutes before the end of the Open Phase will not allow most designers to participate with the new guidelines.
4 years ago
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