Regarding #54... we've been leaning slightly towards the logos with people, but we'd prefer the people in this one to look a little more warm and human - not quite so cold and utilitarian. Also, if the door could be thinner (or perhaps with some kind of gradiating depth), that would be great. We don't want the arch to dominate. A door that's a little more square (but not perfectly square) would also be a nice idea to try.
Regarding #59... we like the idea of a tree bearing fruit. Right now, it looks a little too scattered. If it could become more symmetrical (but not TOTALLY so), that would be great. There should be a consistency to the leaves, but the fruit should be multi-colored and slightly different sizes (generally on the smaller side).
hi sorry for my late submission coz I came from the hospital for an emergency, just got's the updates..hope it works..thanks a lot also for the feedback...