I like your interpretation of the drawing I uploaded. Can you make the sun a bit more visible though? Also, I want to keep the word "Works" green for now.
Ok, now what about another version of #34 using the color green from #39 in place of the olive green? Also, try getting rid of the thin green circle bordering the sun and sea area.
Oh, and don't worry about the "LifeWorks" wording for now. It is easier for me to see the emblem when there are no words with it!
Your entry #100 is my favorite of yours yet! Really beautiful work! The one part that I don't absolutely love is the water. I actually like the water in #80 better. Can you try blending these two?
Thank you! #126 is much better, however I like the darker color of the water in #100. It offers more balance. Can you give the water more shading? And also, I like the smoother shore line, meaning where the blue water meets the green mountains, but I think it is too smooth now. Can you give it a little more texture?
Excellent. Love the treeline and their reflection. Great solution!
A few more tweaks:
1) I like the lower sun position and the less shaded mountains in #126. 2) I like the thinner sun beams but now want a few less. Try 15 sun beams? 3) I love the treeline, but would like to see it a little bit lighter in color.
Awesome work! It's the middle of the night where I am but I wanted to give you some feedback still. I like the blue circle outlining #144. I also like the reflection of the mountain in the water. However I still like the mountains and the sun from #126 the best. I like the tree line between the mountain and the water from #133, but I like the lighter green coloring of them from #143.
So kind of a combination of many of your versions. Please let me know if you have any questions! :)
Thank you so much for your feedback at the middle of the night of your country:).. now evening at my home... I just try for give you some variation of mountain and reflection.. beside your guide I'll make the revition.. I'll work on it.. Thank you..Have a nice dreams Sir..:)
Both #145 and #146 are getting very close! Please make the sun a little bigger, but keep it low as in #126 and keep the sun beams white as in #145. Actually, #133 is also a good example of how I would like to see the sun, except I want it a little lower behind the mountains.
As for the tree line, I like #145 better. However, I like how you made the reflection a different, lighter color in #143.
Finally, looking at the shading of the mountain, I think #145 has too much, but #146 does have too little. I actually like the shading style used in #143 even though I like the Mountains from #145 better. The shading in #143 is less triangular and not as thick.
Hope you get plenty of restful sleep on your side of the planet.
Love this design. I have ended the contest early so you and I can refine your entry together with more focus. Thanks for all the hard work you have put in so far! We are getting close!
So #149 looks great. Can I see it just the same except with the mountains from #126? Oh, and the bigger sun too.
Hello Sir.. Good Morning...:) Thank's a lot for ended the contest early...and fo high rank, so I have more chance here..:) Revition no #150 all same with #149 except the mountain.. I try for change bottom of mountain lighter for more showing the treelines.. Thank you very much
Excellent! This is very close. Is there a difference between #150 and #151? I can't seem to see any.
I like the bottom of the mountain lighter, but maybe a little less on the right side? I also notice a little orange peeking through the trees on the far right.
Also, is the sun totally centered? It looks like it is shifted left a little. Or is that just because of the way the mountains look?
I like #152 a lot. Use less yellow at the bottom right of the mountain. It is ok if the trees blend in with the mountain. And try adding in a little more reflection down the middle of the water, like in #143.
Thank you for updating rank .. and for the highest ranking ... if there are other changes that you want .. let me know. I would gladly do it .. Have a nice day Sir...:)
Great! Thanks! Two minor adjustments. Please make the reflection in the water more transparent. And I think get rid of the yellow around the base of the mountain. I would like to see what it looks like without it again. :)
Great! As we get down to the final adjustments I am just going to give you short notes with the minor changes I want to see. I hope that is okay!
So, please make the reflection in the water even lighter, so that it fades almost completely away by the end, like in #143. And go ahead and remove the yellow that is behind the trees at the base of the mountain in #154. I think it will look stronger if it is does not fade.
Thanks so much! I like #156 the best. Very nicely done. Now, two more small adjustments:
1) can you make the sun a tiny bit smaller so that it falls behind the mountain on the left the same amount as it does the mountain on the right?
2) I notice there is an incomplete part of the yellow circular border on both the left and the right. Can you fix that? (This is hard to put into words. Please let me know if you have any questions about what I mean.)
Hello again Sir.. Thank you for your continue feedback.. owh..I see yellow..my apologise about an incomplete part of the yellow circular border.. may I fixed at #157...and a bit smaller sun..hopeness you like..
Wow! I think #158 might be it! Because I am hoping to put these on t-shirts I need to discuss if this design will work for that. We may need to change the coloring a little bit to make it printable...
Hello Sir.. Good morning.. usually more solid colors are suggested by some printing .. because the process is much easier and cost is not too expensive .. in this case, and also can be done by convensional or modern printing. in this design there are some gradient that we can evade by turning it into a solid color ..Like no #159 but some printing can print halftone and I suggest you to go to the printer where you will print for details. :) Thank you
This is very helpful. Thank you. Can you do one more of these without the gradient, only with a white sun and a sky that is the same color as the petals around the circle? And maybe one other with the sky the same color blue as the circle around the outside.
Still trying to figure out how many colors I can use. In the meantime, can you tweak #161 a bit? I would like the blue of the sky and of the outer circle to match the darker blue of the water. Also, can you put a orange-yellow sun back in?
Hello again... Dear Jai.. Thank's a lot for continue feedback...Is that you mean like#163? about colour no need worries I'll give you revition until you satisfied...:)