Thanks for your work. #26 is really interesting, the more I look at it. I have a thought, but am not quite sure how to describe it. I think of the figure has having "light" in one hand. What do you think it would like if there were "light" in both hands? Would that make the image too crowded? What is the outer bubble, the "brain bubble" were slightly larger to allow for the figure to have just a little more room, and have the "light" in both hands?
Thanks for the quick adjustment. #35 is interesting. I still like the ball of light in #26. For some reason #35 reminds me a little too much of the crown on the statue of liberty. :) At first I thought i liked it better than #26, but then I went back and switched them. Thanks for your work.
Great new ideas! I like both #75 and #83. Two thoughts about #75. Could the image be on the left side? And, more difficultly, is there any way to have it look the figure is going "up the steps?" The "steps" are looking a little more like skycrapers, and some of the idea of the figure moving up to progress is lost.
Thanks for all your fabulous work. I really appreciate it.
Thanks for your responsiveness. I can see how in #111 and #112 you have created the perception of movement. Looking at it I realize I don't like it as much as #75, but I really appreciate you trying it out to see how it would look.