I really liked the the flowing nature of logo #7. The sun with the blue underneath which I believe expressed water along with the business name all flowed so nicely. I would like to see some additional/variation in color other then the two. Also I am feeling that the slogan is a little lost in that one. I do like some simplicity but maybe would like to see a little more flare with the sun and water. Logo #9 was real creative with the tree as it exemplified renewal to me, however I am still leaning towards incorporating a sun. Also would like to see the fonts a little more on the feminine side and flowing, but not real swirly type. The colors were too much of the same for me. Would like to see more variation in colors.
Okay I finally got some feedback from my partner. We both really like the flowing concept of #7 with the lines over the biz name. Here is what we would like to see different. The sun could be softer with more transitional sun colors. It also reminds us a bit of the top of the Statue of Liberty. Overall I would like to see additional color rather than just two colors in the entire logo, so maybe the line under the sun and Lifestyle Wellness corresponding colors without being exactly the same, or maybe a watercolor effect... could bring some softness...?? We want to send the message of comfort, renewal, hope, healing, compassion, etc... Maybe some variations on the slogan being a little larger and stand out a bit more. Thank you for your additions!!
Oh the sun around the tree was a great & creative addition... I liked it but again not enough color variations throughout the whole logo for me though.
Thank you for your updates. I very much like the ideas of incorporating the sun around the trees like #45 & #46. I like the concept of the person in the trunk/branches of the tree, can both these be a little more prominent? Also I may be asking for too many ideas in one here but I also am still drawn to the concept of the flowing curved line as in your #47 design. The yellow horizon and blue water is nice together, although one could be fine too. I like the additional color in the pictorals but would like to go back to a more solid color for the business name. Thank you!!
#76 is Beautiful... I LOVE IT!! I just got done conversing with my partner and have explained all the reasons for liking this logo and she fully gets it, I am so pleased. I do however have a concern with the colors looking different on my laptop versus my husbands office computer. On mine the biz name looks more on the teal side and the sun looks yellow with some orangey colors... which is what I like, it is a deeper, richer color scheme. On my husbands it looks more lighter green colors and the yellows are brighter. He has a big screen and I hope that is why. If we print these on business cards or signs we don't want it to turn out a different color than what we are expecting. Can you give some clarity on this? Also, a minor change to the slogan... we would like to see some variation in the grey scales and font size as we feel it could stand out a bit more. If it started under the 'f' in Lifestyle would it work okay? Could you show us some options with that? Everything else is fabulous... Thank you!!
Merry Christmas! The colors on the sreen depend on the monitor's callibration. The right colors are theese on your computer. As far as i understand, the colors on your husband's computer are much lighter than they are. When you print it on a business card, the colors should be the same because the colors will be converted in color codes that every print house read by the same way. Here are the slogan updates #90 #91 #92 #93 #94 #95
Hello there, I have approved the logo several days ago, we are very excited to get such a beautiful logo up on signs, decals, etc. I have the following questions: is what I downloaded to view and approve the logo the actual vector file that I use to take to the printer? Also, we would like to have available the additional logos on black & white as well and possibly a couple solid one color variation as well. Do you think with the detail of the tree that it would look okay and do you have a suggestion on which color(s) may give the greatest detail? Thank you again for your terrific work... Shelley