...few variations on #235, #236, #237 and #238! There's limited time, but if you want to continue developing this tree, jus place me among top 5 designers, so I can submit in the next stage of the contest! Thank you for the feedback so far!
We'll see if there's more room for improvement on this concept,...here's one more variation on #244, before we move on to next stage of the contest.
In the mean time here are few more design concepts you might find interesting #245, with tree symbol as well, but a bit more abstract, #246 with abstract flower, supported by two leaves, and one compact concept on #247, with logo icon integrated with text part.
Feel free to suggest improvemnts on any of these! Thank you!
Awesome. I do like the lowercase much better. Let's start trying to add in some shading (not drop shadow), but bottom overall shadow like in the other's that you are seeing in 1 & 3.
...on new design update (#270), I'm trying to avoid gradients (still using that shadow on the ground, but I wouldn't advise it, because of more complicated printing application), and slightly stronger/eye catching color tones.
...also, further development on entry #271, with difference in letter tickness, so it can have stronger visual impact, when printed as negative space logo, or monochromatic version, as shown on entry #272!
Thank you for constructive feedback so far, Brady,...this design is nicely moving forward! Hope my inputs are also useful, and feel free to suggest further improvements if needed!
...on my entry #271, I've emphasized a bit two characters within the tree, but I think it would look more elegant/professional/meaningful, with emphazise on tree symbol only,...so there's updated version on #273, and my personal favorite, without ground shadow element on entry #274 (I've droped the shadow, because these gradient, semy-transparent graphic elements, are charateristic of Web 2.0 design concept, and that visual approach was dropped few years back). Flat design, with clean colors, not visualy confusing, pro-looking, and cost friendly regarding printing,...this is not related to any trend, and if you choose this approach, you'll have yourself high quality, timeless visual identity.
I'm always trying to be constructive, specialy when client is responsive as you were! I've pretty much ran out of new ideas at this point, and this tree design is developing in good direction. If you have some ideas, let me know, so we can try them out.
I, like you, am really struggling with this one. There seems to be a lot more graphic representation of vitality, energy, etc. in eastern philosophy than western. Further, the American population is pretty blind to these other practices and if we wish to take this mainstream, we have to find a way to convey this in an understandable message. I am starting to believe that the simplest way to make this understandable is by working the psychology of colors, simple fonts and even simpler graphics.
Here are some of the proprietary things about our product and also some thoughts specifically for you to contemplate and see if there is any further direction that pops up.
Product: Proprietary blend of minerals that releases a tiny, yet significant amount of hydrogen, 850% more powerful than any other anitoxidant on the market... scientifically provable. This is our secret sauce... HYDROGEN ANTIOXIDANT. This hydrogen bubble is so small it is absorbed intra-cellularly and transports micronutrients into the cell, far greater than the nutrients being absorbed into the bloodstream. This is the "fountain of youth" as recognized by blue zone studies observing regional populations that live to be 125 in nomadic tribes, etc.
The other ingredients are: Resveratrol, CoQ10, & PQQ (all have mitochondrial support and regeneration components)
In essence, our product delivers more of the nutrients, giving more energy, longevity, life re-building blocks, etc.
Not only is this a great anti-aging product, but it's an amazing performance supplement. We are taking 2 different products to market using the base proprietary, patented, US FDA approved product.
This is truly revolutionary in the way a person will feel. There conclusive worldwide proof of hydrogen as an antioxidant, and the other components are also proven to be extremely effective by sciene too.
I hope this helps you to kick something into gear. I will leave the contest open through tomorrow in hopes you come up with a MONSTROUSLY SHOCKING DESIGN!
Thank you for elaborate input,...this will help to come up with few more options,...I'll try to think a bit "out of the box" to make something really unique. Late night in my part of the world at the moment,...I'll come up with fresh concepts within next 12 hours!
Sorry for the latest flash. It just hit me... fountain of youth, galaxy, ripple in water with inner source being the hydrogen molecule with 2 electrons and then the water rippling out...
Just brainstorming. So glad you said you had run out of ideas, it forced me to rack my brain and look at it from a different perspective.
AWESOME BOJAN! Thank you for the epiphany inspiration.
Glad to be of assistence,...usualy good ideas come from constructive dialogue!
I like the new direction and I'm back with few more concepts,...basic idea is hydrogen molecule as initiator of movement, more active, healthy life (symbolized by water surface radial movement),...hydrogen triggers better and constant energy flow in organism. It might be interesting background story.
#306, #307 have more 3D perspective, but simplicity of #308 and #309, from branding point of view, might be better solution,...simplicity is the key!
I've made requested mods with logo icon moved to the left on #335, and a bit cleaner version on #336. Also, another galaxy representation in two color options on #337 and #338,...might look interesting.
I see you've put #309 on 4th place,...that is, in my opinion symbolicaly and with its simplicity, probably the strongest logo I've created for your contest!
My business partner and I want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your valiant efforts. We are going to name you 2nd place, as you truly deserve it.
I definately want to keep in touch with you to potentially work on other projects in the near future. Your design skills, ability to communicate, provide critical feedback as well as insight into other aspects of the contest prove you are a master in your field.
I did develop few HQ pro-looking designs during this contest, so it was useful for me as well! I would be more satisfied if you've chosen between some of the unique designs I've offered, but you know best what fits your needs!
Great,...I've added you to my contacts! If I can offer you any of my services, you can contact me through here, or directly,...just go to my portfolio website's contact page (www.bigbaldbeardos.com), and send me a note!