Life DesignLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Life Design

Life Design has selected their winning logo design.

For $800 they received 626 designs from 67 different designers from around the world.


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Logo Designer
A simple heart symbol with a path leading into the distance.

(This comment references Entry #1)
14 years ago
Thanks for your submission, we like the idea!!

Perhaps needs to incorporate a few more elements to do with unity and people's happiness - at current it is slightly at risk of looking like "the journey to finding love"

But we do rate this logo!
14 years ago
Hi Husk,

We would love to see a more 3D version of your logo if you are interested in creating one!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, did you mean the symbol alone or the the text too ?

(This comment references Entry #92)
14 years ago
Just the symbol - we like what you have done so far... Perhaps a nice drop shadow on the heart, text to the right of the logo...
14 years ago
Logo Designer
you got it :)

(This comment references Entry #101)
14 years ago
Hey Husk #101 is absolutely great!

Can we go forward now and see if we can take it more complex without losing it's beauty!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Are you set on having one of those abstract human figures in ? - I'll have a go if you are, but I'd rather not if you're flexible I'll pursue other avenues ...

(This comment references Entry #122)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Butterfly as a metaphor for transformation ?

(This comment references Entry #124)
14 years ago
Love these, butterflies too nature orientated I feel, but a good idea!

#123 right to the top!

#123 has more room yet in it for further elements! : )_

Perhaps try one with the sky expanded out so it's not a shooting star, just a big star in the night sky!

Also room for more elements in there as you wish!

Plus, I would avoid figures, I think you're right!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Not quite sure where this one is going! - but here it is anyway :)

(This comment references Entry #126)
14 years ago
Hey Husk, thanks so much! #126 - if the sky is faded as in #123 and goes no further right than the "L" in Life Design, with no moon, you'll have it! : )
14 years ago
Logo Designer
let me know if I misunderstood the instruction ...

(This comment references Entry #136)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
main star position moved

(This comment references Entry #137)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
darker sky

(This comment references Entry #138)
14 years ago
This looks great! The sky effect required is more as in #139!

Apart from that it looks excellent!
14 years ago
By the way that was for #136!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
like this ?

(This comment references Entry #148)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Just playing around with the type

(This comment references Entry #150)
14 years ago
#123 is the best so far! anything to inject more energy, vibrancy, movement into it I think would work well!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I'll give it a shot :)

(This comment references Entry #196)
14 years ago
Thanks! I love #197!

I wonder, could the heart be brought within the cyclone spiral please! So the cyclone spiral would be moved down and the heart would be in the middle of it!
14 years ago
Hi There!

Not sure the spiral idea worked! Thanks for the try though! I think we have taken your current concepts as far as we can!

#101 is gaining a lot if support because it says a lot in a simple way!

More ideas along that line would be great!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Same concept, different approach ...

(This comment references Entry #225)
14 years ago
Thanks for #225! The road doesn't seem to work as well as the path, I think we need winding paths. Please could we see it with that!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Your a very professional contest holder!, I think you know how to get the most out of this site - I see you've had practice! ... here's one with a path :)

(This comment references Entry #237)
14 years ago
Thank you! : ) I find it's best to be in touch with the site every hour or two! : )

#237 Looks great! I think if you turn the orb into a heart and keeping the same colours you'll have something very special there!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hope you like it!

(This comment references Entry #238)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
with flare on the horizon...

(This comment references Entry #241)
14 years ago
#238! Brilliant!

Could we try two variations please - the cloud needs to be more to the right and with a thin or no outline!

Then can we try and make the sun bigger!

I like the idea of going from here - perhaps a yellow, blue and red beach sunset variation would be good?

Can we try stars at the top of inside the heart in #101 too! And a few other night variations!

Then we have 3 concepts day, sunset and night! : )
14 years ago
Brilliant! Thank you so much! : ) : )

Can we try #241 with the no outline on the cloud and see all without the clouds too!

I really think a beach and path, sea, then red sky and sun would work as well!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm trying to keep up! :)

(This comment references Entry #248)
14 years ago
Brilliant work on #248, #249 and #250! : )
14 years ago
Amazing idea! #251

My friend just told me she thought of this 1 hour ago... and as soon as we come to check it is here! : )

Conincedence or message - only we can decide! : )

Some ideas

1 - Can we then try with the all 3 same size as the medium one.
2 - Can we then try with them side by side same size at same depth!
3 - Can we then try with side by side and same depth but slotted in behind each other a bit!
4 - Can we then try with sunrise one as big as night is at the moment but at the back in the left, then, day in the middle, and night smallest at the front! : )

Plus I guess you'll be able to come up with many variations from there!

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Mind reading is a very useful skill to have as a designer :)

(This comment references Entry #258)
14 years ago
Lol! True! : )

Thanks so much for these latest ones - they are excellent!

On #258 do you notice how we've created the top third of the earth?

Could you move everything up, and then put the bottom third of the earth below the words Life Design? Perhaps in just a feint line underneath? (no need for hearts etc underneath just the line!)

Feel free to play around from there!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Its a long way from the simplicity of entry 1, but I actually quite like this!

(This comment references Entry #272)
14 years ago
Absolutely wonderful! : )
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I agree.
14 years ago
I think a little more energy and life within the hearts might work!

Please see #210 for inspiration on what I mean by energy and life!
14 years ago
#272 - could be see what a faded bottom third of the globe would look like instead of just white? I have a feeling it may make it too complex but how knows!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
can you clarify the globe request a bit for me - do you mean you'd like the bottom element to look like it has countries/ latitude / longitude lines?, that type of thing ?

(This comment references Entry #301)
14 years ago
Hi Husk, the latest was a little too overcomplicated with those dashes through the sky. The simplicity of the current number one #272 is good.

Yes, we were referring to the southern hemisphere of the globe below Life Design.

Also, The logo imagery is looking great but now it may be time to adapt and improve the usage of font - very important next step :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
no worries, tell me when I'm warm :)

(This comment references Entry #302)
14 years ago
Not bad - try not to use a font that is swirly or very stylish - it has to appear neutral in essence.

Also, the usage of a gradient within the text isn't necessary. Two colours for Life and Design might be a good idea, with blue / black / grey being the primary preferences.
14 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #307)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I'll hold my hands up and admit its me who thinks Muzski's design encroaches on my concepts. I don't want to cause a problem for you or him, but I did politely have to mention that I thought I was being copied. It just gets frustrating as a designer to put in a lot of work into a concept or idea and then others tag along and steal your thunder. I'm sure you're familiar with the logo court procedure having held a lot of contests here before, and in this case I won't put a cat among the pigeons, that doesn't help any of us. Hope you understand where I'm coming from !


(This comment references Entry #339)
14 years ago
Hi Husk,

We understand, it's not nice to feel like your work has been infringed upon. Could you please clarify to us or Muzski which elements of your design you feel have been plagiarized, so that both designers can continue to participate without misunderstanding each other?

From our point of view there were only a few very secondary similarities - ones we'd encouraged people to incorporate into their designs.

Thanks again :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi pooky, perhaps I was being a little sensitive, but I think the combination of multiple hearts / paths set into a landscape can be considered my concept in this contest. You learn to be become over protective in these types of competitions because you have to be, otherwise you get trampled upon.

I do agree the designs looked different, but the underlying concept is what counts in these cases. I'm willing to concede that in this case, the similarities were on the very minor side.If you still feel that Muzski's designs are significantly different with that in mind, please encourage him to re-submit, I won't cause any more problems, at the end of the day its important you get the logo you came here for without having to deal with designer tantrums :).

all the best,


14 years ago
Thanks for the very thought out and positive response. I think for everyone's benefit Muzski will be trying new ideas anyway :)

In the meantime, your work may not be over ;)!! If you're up for the challenge we would love to see an adaptation of your logo with the text to the right of the logo, and possibly adapt the logo to suit that format?
14 years ago
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