Hi ysonmez. Thanks for your entries. #54 is great though we feel that "life" disappears a bit and there is no reference to a laser. Can you try playing with some silver or gold hightlights?
I am sorry to mislead you. The indicvidual referenced above mistook the people for a baby's foot. We like the original image but would like for the people to be more pronounced so it is not mistaken for a baby's foot.
Hi Ysonmez. John here. Although we are using my account, Beth is the one sending the feedback that 4 of us agree on. I just wanted you to know how excited I am about your designs. I realize that the first one was in response to my outreach. When I reviewed your profile I realized that you, like most of the top designers, don't do early entries. When you submitted the version we are currently tweaking, everyone said wow! Hey...wait a minute... isn't that the same guy that did your ExitMap logo? You are making me look good!
Hi Ysonmez; great designs! Beth here. We love #108 but are going back and forth on whether we like one or three laser beams, and would like to try #108 same as is, except with only one laser beam if possible. The 3 beam pops but it looks as if the laser is cutting the "C" instead of the people within (not sure if that is necessarily a bad thing).
Also, what do you think of the following taglines: Memories for a lifetime; The Memories Of A Lifetime? With your experience, I think we'll leave this decision up to you.
Like I said, it is amazing as is but when you produce that great of work, we will always know you are capable of more : )
John here. Sorry for the confusion. We are almost done, but rolling back the contest to judging erased other concepts, so we will have to discuss without referring to your other designs by number.
Number 129 is our choice for colors, fonts, slogan, underline, and shading of the silhouettes. We saw the element at the bottom of the "C" as a stand/support, making the C into a picture frame, which we also like. The only thing we want to try working on is the laser. The "light" at the bottom of the figures looks more like illumination than "cutting" the figures. The single beam with a "splash" of "cutting" in other designs was great, as was the slight circular "aura" of light circling the figures.
Two thoughts. One is to bring back the beam coming from an angle in the C. The other is to use the beam coming from the styled K in Clicks that ran through the other letters. The problem with doing that is it hits the figures too high up. Raising the "C" might fix that, but it might unbalance the whole logo.
Ok, closer but further away. We want to keep the underline on the slogan and the "base" holding the C. Also, we prefer the family image touching the inside of the C, rather than raised off of it.
The beam position and screening of the figures is good in 136, but the circular aura is too much. Let's just go back to plain figures.
Ok, let's see if we can get this put to bed before you have to go to bed!
137 is what we are looking for, but with the laser beam from 135 with no aura. Remember, we are seeing the piece at the bottom as the supporting stand of a circular picture frame, not as the tip of a laser, so there is no logic to the illumination from the bootom. That is also why we need the underline of the slogan. The "stand" needs something to rest on to be logical.
Sooo close! We are good with the base on 142. We prefer the white background of 141 to the gray. Also, please fill in between the family and the C. We actually want it a bit more more two-dimensional, and we think filling in will do that.
We have picked 144 as the winner. We were a bit scattered in this contest. It's my first time with a group decision. We have three more companies in formation, so you'll be seeing us again! I hope that we weren't too much of a pain to work with again.
Thank you for your great work. Frankly, when you submitted the contest was all but over.