thank you like my design, but i'm really sorry, i must withdraw entry #78, cause another designer claimed e treatment is she's concept i tried made another design for your logo concept
hi nogani, i have permit from the other designer was claimed e treatment to used her concepted. so i submit new entry same like the last one, but new entry more bold than the last one
now we would still like you to ask gently to make a version of entry #183 with the bottom and middle line of the E in white and the upper line and the R in red (same as in entry #211 but on black background; i.e. an inverted version of #211) thx
congratulations! you submitted the best logo and are the winner of this contest! ...can you please send us the logo in three versions: #211, #217 and #210? thank you very much! we wish you all the best lichtwerk