The green is to dark. The "M" I do not like as it stands out too much. The SYMBOL USAGE OF LIBRA IS BAD! We DO NOT want the SYMBOL of LIBRA used. Please READ the details of what we are looking for! I do like the slogan in the middle. The usage of two fonts, I am unsure how I like. Change the symbol. Take the green out or make the colours lighter shades please.
#12 is much nicer in terms of originality, with the new symbol. Thank you. But it looks like Nike swoosh signs...and too many colours. Maybe a few colours would make it more appealing. the letter or use of font is harsh. try something softer. It's different though...keep em comin :)
#25 and #26 are vast improvements! The image use in #26 is not too clear. The text in #16 is more clean, but still too harsh. Maybe not all capital would work? try using other colours! How about red? Or Black & Red? Or Baby Pink & Baby yellow?